
No thanks. I ride a "nose-less" saddle from ISM. It takes a few rides to get used to as you sit completely different. However, it is the most comfortable saddle I've ever used and that includes high end racing saddles, gel-filled cutouts, and giant padded touring seats.
Sit bones for the win and for comfort!

I wonder how excellent those would be for sorting Lego. May have to get them a try. Kind of pricey for as many as I would need though.

Only engines? Meh. More interesting is the McKinley climate hangar facility at Eglin AFB, FL. Entire aircraft can be enclosed and a multitude of weather conditions simulated. There is even a giant thermometer on the outside of the building to show what the simulated conditions inside currently are, which you can

TSA friendly?

I have been using Quickpic since the days of my old G1. Nothing is faster. I don't need pretty transition effects and 3d galleries to look at my pictures. My confirmation bias says it's the best and I don't even need to try anything else.

I had the singular opportunity to see one of the Antonov cargo planes when it was picking up a load in Tampa. This is as close as I could get though.

I'm going off of memory, IIRC The B1-A was supersonic, though just barely. They dropped to speed of the B1-B to just below supersonic. B1-B could be outfitted with multiple cruise missiles. An advanced avionics package helped defend against radar and missile attacks.

I will say from my own personal experience with my 3yo son, that screen time does something bad to his brain. Doesn't matter if it's interactive like a tablet or passive like TV, educational or otherwise. In the past we would let him play on the tablet in the morning while Mommy caught a few extra Z's. She was then

Somebody get the kid a copy of Kerbal Space Program already.

First for our family was 486DX2 66Mhz Sometime during the middle of high school.

My personal first computer that I bought with my very own money was in 1999, and was a Pentium 2. I sprang for the Voodoo 2 board too, so I could play ALL THE GAMES.

Also Solidoodle which, through various things I have read upon the interwebs, supposedly beats the printed pants off of the Makerbot in terms of reliability.


The correct answer is "Stop using Facebook."

Ugh. I wish I could get everyone I know onto Diaspora.

This is why I generally dislike cosplay videographers. Why is every single shot in slow motion? Why is everyone only viewed from the waist up? Why do you not have some manner of lighting rig? Why are you shooting against a blank wall where I can see outlet covers? At least this one isn't pushing the camera in and

I believe what you are looking for is here:

My parents have this model for their over-eating tabby. It meters out specific amounts of food at specific times throughout the day so he doesn't over eat and make himself sick since he is a gobbler. They have an expanded food

Pick yourself up an IR Repeater and stop worrying about whether or not the device needs to "see" the remote.

Just about anything from Publix's line of store brand is just as good if not better than brand name.

As someone who played all of the Descent games to completion in their youth, I don't find the motion and swirling to be problematic. What is with the constant shaking though? It shakes when the ship isn't doing anything except flying. That doesn't make any sense and is incredibly annoying. JJ Abrams must be an Exec

Reminds me of my old GI Joe W.H.A.L.E.

Now if the Youtube app on my TV will just get updated and play nice.