
I use Dropbox for photos, music, books, KeePass syncing between PCs and Android devices, and saving entire games (like KSP) so I can play them anywhere. Probably the best thing I've used it for, though, is rendering animation projects on multiple computers at multiple destinations and having one place for all of the

If you don't stop using Yahoo's stuff, then they will never stop being able to make horrible acquisitions.

Just say no to Yahoo.

This kind of bugs me. The "tail cone" was only used when the orbiter was being piggy-backed on the 747. It would not have landed with it attached as the pose suggests. Maybe it was easier to not model the engines but at least put the gear up.

This is actually the method that I've seen before. Dry ice in a gallon milk jug turned over on it's side which then "pours" the CO2 into a high sided bowl. The bowl has a little paper ramp leading up to the lip. Bugs fall in the bowl and can't get out. No mess other than condensation on the bottle.

That's the one I had. Good times.

My Dad has been up in one of these during a contractor test. He said never again and it basically feels like it's going to fall out of the sky at any moment. Plus the insides are super duper filthy. I know it's a military aircraft, but imagine desert sands being swirled around by two giant rotors being thrown about

Fair enough. It's difficult to smell sarcasm across the interwebs.

Jen at Cake Wrecks only puts up "Professionally" made cakes. People who make cakes at home don't generally make it on there.

The game you are looking for is Kennedy Approach. Played that on my C64 way back in the day. Hardest. Game. Ever.

No worse than the Spongebob or Speed Racer movie sets. Can't say as these are really a draw for me.

I did up my resume for a portfolio class one time with a very strong typographic layout. It was still readable and well organized, I just used non-standard fonts and sizes. My teacher told me that resumes are not billboards and made me redo it in a more traditional layout. I thought to myself, isn't the whole point

You can come out of your dark age at any time and become an AFOL.

I believe Val Kilmer used one of those in "The Saint."

Motorola StarTAC on Alltell Wireless.

Alas, your link was an April 1st story which kind of removes all credibility. If you had a link to the Autodesk example then I'd be impressed.

A number of years ago I was baby sitting my nephew and he manged to fall and scrape himself up pretty badly. I eventually got him to calm down and mentioned that chicks dig scars. When his mom and dad got home the first thing he did was run to them, show them his wounds and proclaim "Chicks dig scars!"
So proud.

Man. I remember all the hate filled responses last time I typed that phrase. Glad it wasn't me this time.

I've been a Falcon Pro user since slightly after it hit the play store. It's been my favorite twitter client so far. The price is high intentionally. He's trying to slow adoption because he's already hit the 100k twitter token limit once. Falcon Pro news.