Vote: Sallie Mae
To answer my own question. Yes, according to the manufacturer's website. Thanks Amazon for not including any functionality info for the product.
Can I make it a wireless bridge? WiFi in Ethernet out?
I believe the mythos of running your computer 24/7 originated with the idea that the initial pulse of electricity needed to start up all of your components was incrementally damaging. The more often you had to cold boot your computer the sooner your components, especially hard disks, would fail. Even if it was true…
Yeah it's called a toddler who just happens to be an early riser.
Clearly you have never been to a gun show. You should go for no other reason than to be completely overwhelmed.
Just because of this article I'm eating at Chick-Fil-A twice today.
That website is an atrocity of design.
I can't imagine that would be very comfortable on your hands for long periods of time. Better to wrap your forks or frame I would think.
I just punch the corkscrew through the foil and magically the cork comes out breaking the foil in the process.
Not TSA approved.
Appears to be incompatible with the Transformer Prime.
Or you butter the outsides of the sandwich and grill that bad boy up ala grilled cheese style. Hot, crunchy PBJ. Yes, the peanut butter gets all melty and runny. Yes, so does the jelly. Eat it with a fork Nancy and I'll make sure to get you a tissue to dab at the corners of your mouth.
There is a plugin that allows you to switch from mobile to desktop.
Actually I've seen the movie enough times that I didn't need to look it up, but thanks for having faith in my ability to Google stuff.
I believe the correct line is
As Tupperware is hideously expensive I believe I'll be keeping that method for the rubbermaids and sterilites of the container world.
Hooray! Locks that provide a false sense of security!