
They won't use all of that financial information for nefarious purposes. No.... why would they? /sarcasm/. I don't need another site tracking my habits. Thanks.

Bah! I need this for Windows! I don't even care if it leaves the ads in.

I notice that capsaicin isn't on the list of heartburn causing agents, to which I say huzzah! I've heard before that spicy food does not affect ulcers or other gastric related maladies.

Thanks for posting more fodder for the kiddies on Xbox Live to use as verbal ammunition.

You're welcome.

Install it from ninite.com and avoid the adware.

I think the bigger problem with trying to cook a turkey is the cavity where the stuffing would typically go. Without the water being able to circulate inside the turkey I imagine the process might be a tad flawed. The benefit of sous-vide cooking as I understand is that what you cook never exceeds the temperature of


Don't try this at home! (but here's how to do it and you should TOTALLY try this at home.)

I find using a sharp knife wiped off with a wet washcloth after each cut does a more than adequate job. Don't saw unless your cake is spongy and you don't want it compressed (a la Angel Food).

Actually on my HP w2207h monitor the USB cables and drives plug in facing away. Annoying but true.

So once an hour then?

Japanese school "girls" learned this long ago.

$9 total for the tablet version?

Did anyone else read this as a Bartering app? No? Just Me? Ok I need more sleep then.

So now they need to know where we're going in addition to where we are (Latitude), who we really are (G+) and every purchasing decision we make (Wallet)? Maybe I need to start distancing myself from the G machine.

I'm going to give them a couple of months on streaming only to get their act together and get better content. If they fail, I bail.

you could have people line up in row order kind of like how southwest does their zones. Projectors could be used to highlight a circle with your seat number on the floor in which you would stand until allowed to get on the aircraft. Like boarding for a ride at an amusement park.

Sobbing like a baby over here.