
My wii is also already hacked. I first did it because it seemed everyone was doing it and I do like being like everyone. Then I found out you could watch media files on it (currently using WIIMC) and now we use the wii waaay more than we ever did when it was just used for games. Makes a pretty nice SD media

I also agree with this. My Mom did a good job of making sure I was exposed to other kids when they were sick. So as a result I can't remember the last time I took an actual sick day. It's been well over 6 years. I also played in the dirt outside and did the generally gross stuff kids aren't allowed to do these days.

My Wacom tablet (intuos3) doesn't work on the additional spaces. Since that is my sole pointer input nSpaces is effectively useless for me.

Food allergies can be responsible for more than most people realize. My sister is allergic to wheat (and other grasses). When we were kids my Mom found out and took the whole family off of wheat for a couple of years. A very tough thing to do. The result was a complete 180 degree switch in my sister's personality.

Ludicrous speed!

My weakness is my inability to keep plants alive. Doesn't matter how "Maintenance Free" the plant is. I even killed off the Dinosaur plant from Thinkgeek. Black thumb through and through.

The internets demand pics or it did not happen thusly.

Actually $132M per plane is kind of a bargain considering the B2's original cost of $2B for each of the 20 that were delivered.

Steel Wool and a 9V Battery works great as a fire starter.

I do that just because it's more interesting to watch. Bonus points for even cooking!

I actually work for a sign shop. You'd be hard pressed to tell the difference between a neon channel letter and an L.E.D. one outside of the color temperature. White L.E.D.s are typically a cooler white than Neon. In either sign the light is diffused through a piece of acrylic so you can't really tell the source.

I've been using AMP Font Viewer for a couple of years. It lets you define sample strings and also allows you to categorize your fonts based on whatever criteria you choose. Dead useful when you have to wade through 3000+ fonts in your design shop.

I've been using AMP font viewer. It lets you define sample strings and also allows you to categorize your fonts based on whatever criteria you choose. Dead useful when you have 3000+ fonts in the shop.

Just add that file location to CCleaner. Voila! Don't have to remember anything.

You could "wrap" them, make them into mouths by putting vinyl decal eyes over the tops, paint them to match the wall, or turn them into indoor planters with silk flora.

Pay a poor college student to do it.

"at least the babies weren't along for the ride this time."

Remember cybergold anyone?

This might have been useful two months ago when "spring" hit south Florida. My allergy season is already over.

You expected open mindedness on the internets? Surely you jest?