
That's actually pretty standard for dental implants. Even in humans that kind of work is hideously expensive. When I worked for a Dental insurance company it was not uncommon to see a claim come in for $20,000+ of worth of dental implants. It's oral surgery since the old teeth have to be extracted, then anchors

Finally! A coal powered bike to match my coal powered Tesla roadster.

"'cause nobody never typed nothing important with they thumbs"

Now tell me how to get rid of love bugs.

My wife and I recently saw Rio in 3d this way. We arrived an hour before showtime and were glad to have done so. The theatre was mostly packed except for the two front rows. Also be aware that at least two whole rows of seats will be dedicated for the press/movie critics so there won't be as many seats available as

It's a neat idea and I like it in concept. It doesn't work for my workflow however. Using programs like Illustrator becomes a trial of futility. If you select something on a sub panel to make, say a color or gradient change, the main window goes transparent. Not useful for design work.

I will verify this. While my wife and I were briefly separated while working some things out, I took down all of the photos of her, cleaned every surface of the house and generally made my home a more desirable place to be. The pain of separation was still there, but I didn't have the constant reminders of her

There are emergency exits all along the outer walls. I assure you Ikea would weather an emergency better than Disney would.

What no one seems to be talking about is our nation's economy pretty much runs on gas. As the price of oil/gas goes up, so does everything else. Everything on that list has to get transported by truck at some point. Also, California. Do I really need to say anything else?

This has now happened. Almost all Hulu content has been converted to a format that Stream Transport can not recognize. The developer won't have a new version out for a couple of months and even then who knows. It was good while it lasted.

Closer than you think.

And tastes like an "onion-melon."

In Soviet Russia, globe maps you!

@spcomputing: maybe you should have waited til you were off the plane?

That was awesome! I don't approve of people getting injured, but watching it through the first time was like playing the "Who's going to bite it?" game. A couple of them were a complete surprise.

@Kardster: "built into it" indicating stock functions, not downloaded apps. Why do you have a star?

@RPR: Actually he does, because I can't tell you how many times I've seen the owner of a brand new car park in the back of the lot only to have one of the store drones park their beater jalopy next to him because the store manager won't let employees park anywhere but the back of the lot.

That's why I just carry a valve stem removal tool. If you park like an asshole, you're going to be there for a long time after I deflate all four of your tires.

@hawkeye18: The "epic" music is actually from the game itself. I heard it enough in the beta to reflexively mute it.