
If you only knew what they did to those poor boobs to get those pictures to begin with. They literally smash them between two plates before they do the scan.

Damn you verizon. Damn you to hell. Also damn t-mobile for not having better phones. I. Will. Not. Go back to Verizon. I don't care how "great" their phones are.

@ittekimasu: Oops. I retract my "product fail." I completely missed that bit in the vid.

What? No 3.5mm headphone jack? This product is fail.

Does it uninstall carrier mandated crapware?

21 years old... hmm not saying it isn't possible, but has anyone checked his serialz on all of that high dollar software?

@El El: He is the most interesting man in the world.

@Benedinho: 1st Gen iPod Touch has no volume buttons on the side. Apple in their infinite wisdom decided users needed no such accouterments. Only after public outcry and scorn did Apple add them.

@DigThatFunk: Sounds like someone doesn't pay their bills.

Start by paying your bills, then those annoying collectors won't be calling you so often.

@The Lab: Is that a Droid X in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

Any love for the iPod Touch 1Gen?