
haha! I saw that coming, just didn't expect it to be from you Jesus... I'm honored.

Call me a fanboy, but Siri has worked well for me so far, and even better since I got my 5S. Granted, I don't use her for much other than setting reminders, setting alarms and the occasional hands free google search. The reminders feature is especially useful to me, because it feels pretty natural to just say "remind

Not sure what the beef is against pixar... most of their movies are good IMO. I haven't seen the Monster's Inc yet and Cars 2 sucked. But other than that, pretty decent. How many studios do you know who actually write and storyboard the movies plus produce the level of graphics they do?

The way that 350 lb guy just pushes the seat back at 5:31 made me cringe, but this video still made me want to watch the movie again.

I think you make a good point, but as a designer I question how long will imitating real life within an electronic environment work, you know? As an example, the following generations will probably have no idea know what putting a written letter in an envelope means. When they are ruling the world, how will email be

Well, going by Apple's design pattern to date, they follow Bauhaus quite a bit. Minimalist and modern. I would bet that the 5c is really aimed towards the younger, less funded and less fun inhibited crowd: teens and people in their 20s. I'm sure it will be very popular within that demographic. They don't care about

Agreed... I am a creative professional working in the field of branding and design. As a result I have been spoiled when it comes to aesthetics. Some of those color combinations area actually not that bad, especially if at least one of the colors is neutral.

umm... there are previous generations of both plastic iMacs and MacBooks, and they sold extremely well.

I first clicked on the article enthusiastically, because I have a very active toddler. But then I detected just a wee bit of sarcasm... got a laugh out of it though. Thanks Ashley, I appreciate the darkish comedy, and you steering me away from what would most likely be a bad purchase.

Ugly, dated looking UI. It could very well be very user friendly, but the icons look like they were designed in the 90's.

Thanks.... I've always had an interest in the subject, as it seems to be a really a tough disease to deal with, and it's taken a couple of my heroes: Muhammad Ali and Michael J. Fox.

Does anyone know if this drug would restore damaged tissue at a cellular level as well, or simply stop the damage from continuing. In other words, if you have been a patient with Parkinson's for years, will you be able to go back to your old self, or will the drug just keep your nervous system from degenerating

nike, although I'm not sure why the person is angry.


I wonder if there is a way to make the pans and rotations start and end more smoothly... currently it feels jarring. I guess I would have edited out the first and last few seconds of those movements, and perhaps added transitions between shots. Anybody out there know?

The simultaneous movement of the cascading water

"Wouldn't the overuse of blue / green screens cause the lack of emotions and reactions from the actors?"

I am a business owner and had the fortune of furnishing almost our entire staff, including my business partner and myself with seven Aerons. Our old landlord let them go for $1500!

ill. took me a couple seconds.

eye patch