
I think he's expressing disdain for ignorance by sarcastically adding a grammatical mistake.

Haha! Apparently we did. There was very little to no panic, everybody just headed home and eventually got there. It was quite peaceful.

Oh crap, that's a scary question. I'm a San Diegan, so I hope that is the only thing designed by those engineers.

I'm was surprised they didn't work in the fact that this is the SECOND time this has happened.

Is that a young Wynton Marsallis with the trumpet?

I agree, with the exception that mac users dealing with large files are probably the one (albeit, very small) market that benefits from FW and Thunderbolt. And that's probably why Apple still includes it in their pro hardware, and also why companies like LaCie have begun to adopt it. But there's also a reason why


I've seen external hard drives, which I'm sure allow users to really benefit from the crazy speed. I've always favored firewire over USB for speed and signal consistency, and was pissed when FW support was removed from iPods. My external hard drives are connected via FW 800 - smooooth transfers.

I love the speed and bandwidth consistency of Firewire. Can't wait to upgrade my equipment to Thunderbolt.

All this talk about the iPhone 5 looking like a Samsung Galaxy S II based on a screen icon seems a bit premature to me. Given Apple's track record, I would really doubt that would happen. Besides, who came up with the basic touchscreen smartphone design anyway? Rounded corners, black border around big rectangular

hahaha... He walked on water indeed. Also, the crucifixion of Jesus isn't where the story ends.

Ahh, yes. My mistake - or is it? Could the adjective not be describing the combination of soap and water, as opposed to only the soap or the water? Does the soap not become warm when it comes into contact with warm water?

so... warm soap and water can't do the trick?

I seriously doubt that anyone in my position ( running a startup and in my early 30s ) wouldn't want to have an early retirement sponsored by Google or Facebook. That would be a dream.

Immediately reminded me of this

Insured or not, still a shame all that great wine will never be enjoyed.

South America? Not quite, I'm afraid.

Perhaps I'm missing something but I can't follow your logic. Those countless articles are / were nothing but speculation, since they obviously never materialized (except maybe when the unibody MacBook was about to come out). And I believe Gizmodo has posted at least once or twice before on this subject, but perhaps it

Interesting... from a portability standpoint, I feel like this is almost the same as carrying my trusty Nikon around in addition to my iPhone which is always with me anyway. So perhaps this product is a little redundant.

Why? So companies like iLuv stop making this kind of crap? I agree, but also because that iMac is, in my opinion, one of Apple's best designs ever.