
“Operating System X” ? The Macintosh OS that debuted 25 years ago?

“Hey, have you noticed that modern Jeeps don’t seem to suffer quality control issues? “

Elon Musk can’t run for President unless the Constitution is amended. He wasn’t born in the United States.

finding diesel? I don't think I've ever been to a gas station that didn't have diesel

There’s literally a photo of it in the article

Shorter URL: https://rockauto.com/en/moreinfo.php?pk=13704273

Only thing I don't like about my 2008 Silverado is trying to park it

Why didn't she give it to her son??


Nets and tear gas aren't lethal weapons

Pit bulls are inherently dangerous creatures and should be illegalized and driven to extinction. I say this as a person who was mauled, bitten on the throat, and hospitalized as the result of an unprovoked attack by a stranger’s pit bull at the age of seven.

Who needs such a thing?

I drove through a roundabout for the first time in my life last month in Carmel. It was strange. 22 years of driving didn’t prepare me for that.

They don't have that authority

Those lug nut extensions on the semis are usually plastic

I miss my 1990 Taurus every day. It was the best car I ever owned.

Well, to be fair, there's lots of places you don't need an inspection

I don't even personally know anyone with an iPhone. I don't think CarPlay is as big a deal as people here make it out to be.

So the logical thing to do is attempt to flee at insane speeds and risk the lives of innocent people?

I really don't understand what's so hard about putting a man on the moon. We did it with 1960s technology.