
Why on Earth would you like these cars? Have you read a single review?

No, it wasn't.

It’s literally from the “Adult Toys” line


That’s why my DeLorean can smoke anyone at the dragstrip

It becomes your business if they can't steer their car because their wheel is shaped all retarded

For what reason?

You literally said “I have driven while high which I can also acknowledge it’s very smart”

Removing the turn signal stalk is so stupid

This is BLM-owned land. It belongs to the American people,  not a native tribe.

“haii” ?

I thought Jalopnik was supposed to be about cars, not TikTok videos

You don't have OCD

I like the Editor’s note

It’s not very expensive or difficult to replace track

Train derailments are far, far more common than commercial plane crashes

He meant “flat”

Where is that quote from?

Makes sense. An EV is basically a huge tablet with some seats and electric motors attached to it.

Nobody has to save anyone in the middle of the ocean