I'll add to the choir of complaints, giz, fix your stupid article. TBL invented the http protocol, I still remember using gopher and archie to get stuff from internet, before using the first web server...
I'll add to the choir of complaints, giz, fix your stupid article. TBL invented the http protocol, I still remember using gopher and archie to get stuff from internet, before using the first web server...
"Cable companies spent billions"???? Naive and misleading, the government also spent BILLIONS in infrastructure - [www.broadbandusa.gov] - so should definitely step in (actually should have stepped in and break Comcast long ago, the monopoly de-facto status is obvious).
Cute, but the question wasn't which one is the fourth (space) dimension, but if there are indeed 4 (space) dimensions.
I'm with you, it happens that I have a very cute girl, and I see many old-ish dudes with big cameras and huge lenses taking pictures of her while playing in the park, not very happy about that either, but can't really stop them, unfortunately they have their stupid right to do it. Hope at least they're not pervs, but…
really? Looked at the street photography samples, there's always a catch (good or not, there is one), giving quickly some examples: 2 dudes walking, one with yellow shirt and blue tie, the other with blue shirt and yellow tie; a lady in a dress with a red/white pattern exactly (more or less "exactly") like the sales…
next on the agenda, whistling copyrighted content and allowing others to look over your shoulder at said content...
been through a couple of interviews at Google, and met a bunch of people, so I can say with enough confidence that my experience was radically different. In short, Google hires the epitomes of nerdiness, after a very technically oriented interviewing process in which your confidence and people skills count for…
I was giving examples of evilness which google can't possibly compete with (and what's wrong with examples from before 2000? I was born before 2000, so yes, I did have my personal experience with microsoft and their "up-frontness and honesty", the quotes are mandatory). Google might, at some point, compete with ms on…
"but how often do most people need to do that and how many jobs will that give you" - it depends, maybe the foreign language is english... (or spanish for that matter, in case of americans).
I gather you're very young if you can put microsoft and google in the same category of "evilness"... The inconveniences that google creates are nothing vs. the consistent battle that microsoft wages against its own users.
Calm down, his address is not exactly a secret, please admire an 1992 article - [drdobbs.com]:
don't waste your time, if they want to pwn your machine, they will... The connection to internet will go through a chinese ISP, which in general can feed any kind of data between your browsing packets, which could take advantage of any buffer overflow in the version of browser or application you use to get your…
The amount of BS in this writing (the original, didn't care about the gizmodo's interpretation) is unbelievable, too much to take seriously. I'll pick on the obvious one, the social statement - "Once again, Facebook exists to make the world more open and connected, and not just to build a company". How does this jive…
Somehow I get a feeling that there are people who take newt seriously, and don't see in his "magnificent" proposal what it actually is, pure demagogy coming from a callous politician, avid for the florida votes. I'm sorry to see that there is still such naivite, and that the gullibility of people is endless. The…
Unfortunately rubio goes where the wind blows (I would think of a rhyme with money, but can't come up with one quickly), the perfect stereotype of a spineless politician. Also unfortunately, his and their opposition at this point will be readjusted later, when another form of PIPA/SOPA which won't draw as many…
Vote for 'awkward' as well. Was there any technology that would eliminate Sam from the picture? I'll buy 2 :)
Did check the website (went to the blog, then to [door.webcindario.com] then to portafolio section, then to [arte100cia.ya.st]), still can't find anything more deep than the paintings he makes on the street (kind of like the boat on the water, wouldn't call it a masterpiece by any stretch). Good technique (very good?)…
For the author - absolutely all the bolded statements made in this article are pure crap, really wonder if it's not sarcasm behind all this. If it is, oops, please stop here from reading.
really nice, awesome music.
no you can't, douche. If you take from my money, I'm not going to have those money. If someone copies and publishes 20 sec of a your video clip, you still have that clip. Hope you start getting into your thick skull why piracy is not stealing.