
Banksy is much better than both Pollock and Warhol, his art is always extremely well done and carries a very positive, encouraging and often funny message. As opposed to the Pollock and Warhol, whose art carries a very WTF and are you kidding me message. Just my 2 cents.

I actually can, and do. We're not talking here "someone", we're talking the second richest person in the world, a dude that's probably very smart (for various definitions of probably) and definitely successful (where successful means money). If someone smart with insane resources gives up on educating the poor dumb

ah, bill, I guess your native country is not good enough to actually invest in it, although it kind of gave you the opportunity to become the second (I think, didn't check lately) richest person in the world. but you prefer investing in china, of all places. so why not a move like this in the US? politics too tough

beautiful. Make it an app, I'll pay $1

"Did the TSA Ignore Early X-Ray Scanner Cancer Risks?" Yes they did, of course, why not. They continuously lie about all these technologies, about the security theater, in general are a bunch of incompetent budget leaches. If they continue the trend, not only they'll make passing through these useless expensive

"Like everyone else IN the planet, I'm reading Steve Jobs' biography" - I was ready to protest, until I saw the "in"... sorry, keep going..

don't think so. To be able to do that crap one actually needs a complete lack of sense of ridiculous, a complete lack of any common sense, a complete disdain for decency, an absolute contempt for individuality and a retarded semi-sovietic semi-childish style belief in "nation's daddy" figures. Don't know many that

Unfortunately the circus continues, the clowns keep juggling with the constitution amendments, our patience, our money, the respect of people and any decency. TSA blogger bob pees in his pants with excitement when TSA finds snakes and turtles in the pockets of people, the famiglia napoletano and pistole concoct new

wow, quite strong words. and, as far as I'm concerned, completely besides the point. al gore was making an analogy - the discussion about global warming should continue just like the one about racism continued, with small results, but, when accumulated, with bigger benefits. in short, he didn't equate the discussion

didn't get to the end, middle, or actually '3d paragraph, so how to hold someone's attention?

As the article puts it, unless some quantum mechanics are involved, someone filming the "active scene" from a distance can't possibly interfere. The police must insure that their behavior is professional, regardless they're being filmed or not.

for some reason you still think you're god's gift to gizmodo, internet, possibly women ("charmant"??? meh). count again how many people got your "joke", you still seem pretty dense in regards to what I'm talking about, stop trying to pretend it's funny. otherwise continue believing it's your internet or whatever, put

30, not english. The thing is most of them are not really english words, and a latin based language actually helps. But definitely sent me to the dictionary

I'll take your word it was a joke, finding it lacking any humor I would prefer at least the smiley. In regards to godwining threads and getting off of your internet, I'm of opinion that overused memes are just as damaging as emoticons.

with all the responses maybe you should grasp the fact that your original comment wasn't taken as a joke at all. I'll try to explain as well as I can. You said "The way that is worded is actually more disgusting than the act itself." The disgusting act you're mentioning has to be shitting, that is the disgusting thing

Are you complaining about the wording chosen by a 22years old bulgarian coming for a summer in US? Quite "charmant"

I'll try my best here, I saw the movie exit through.. and I absolutely agree that the character was a douche trying to pose hard as an artist. He wasn't, just like 3/4 of the grafitti out-there is not art; is just very hard to believe that a non-inspirational stamp like andrew the giant or the space invader could be

Just some wishful thinking here, when are the trifecta W Bush, Chenney and Rumsfeld going to be dragged in courts for pathological lies they spewed consistently and knowingly? What's needed to get such thing, a class action, some brave prosecutors, what? I'm really curious.

I find it hard to believe that anything could have been more embarrassing than the knights of apocalypse we had in power at that time, IMO obviously. While I'll give you that Kerry and Edwards score very high on the douchenheit scale, W and Dick were, in their pinky and the brain way, both dangerous and dumb. In

I get your point, I still find something wrong with it, obviously my opinion. First, you should start being bothered by the invasion and intrusion of more and more "security theater measures", which can't be taken seriously by any normal persons but the ones implementing them. This theater has to stop, and we should