Rani doesn't need Vijay

“Non-edible" sounds like a challenge, kids!

They used to tour with that punk band Y! The one with Jon Dough and the lady that married Aragorn.

Have you tried gin? Like drinking pinesol.

I still think the biggest problem is lifestyle.  Can’t speak for Mexico in particular, but when I was growing up (80s) we had all the terrible stuff readily available, McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Twinkies, etc. but our obesity rate was a third of what it is now.  What we didn’t have were phone/laptop/iPad/LCD screens

Knowing Trump, the check to Fauxbama is still in the mail.

Everything is a sandwich. The answer to “is [foo] a sandwich” is always “yes”.

1. It thrills me to know he was THAT upset about Obama’s Nobel prize.

It seems more appropriate to entertain the question, “Is a sandwich a pie?”

No, pie isn’t a sandwich because filling meat pies had already been a long time staple for rich and poor alike when the Earl of Sandwich was around, and he did not invent the pie or eat one at his party. Therefore, the pie does not serve the same role as the sandwich and has been classified differently since the

You shoulda said yes, dude. But you didn’t. You stayed. You watched all of this and you stayed. I bet your daughter is feeling really loved and protected right now.

I see this being a resounding flop.

Wondering if Jr. got an advance copy and the anecdotes about his dad calling him a loser are behind his recent coke/benzo binge.

And jerk itself is a fusion of the food traditions indigenous Caribbean people and slaves escaped from those plantations. Slapping the colonizer on the culinary traditions of the colonized is gross.

Someone in a board meeting said”Look how much cross promotional crap Jack Daniels has. We need that” and that’s when Rum sausage was invented.

The only value this book has is that it might keep Waddles blood pressure high enough to endanger his health, so, good on Cohen for painting Ivanka as worried that pops is going to is going to screw up her inheritance.

The idea that any Trump supporter would read this is laughably ridiculous (they’re already convinced that Cohen is a lair and bad man). And everyone involved in the publishing of this book is also aware. This is a pure money grab, not some effort on Cohen’s part to get Trump’s base to see Trump for the shitbag he

Sir, this is not your Arby’s fantasy vacation we’re discussing here.

And like people everywhere who are short on money and time, Mexicans find it easier to grab cheap junk food than fresh produce.

I bet Patrick SCHWING! is very happy it isn’t 1992 anymore.

Arby’s wants to take you to pound-town with their meats.