
Coupe or Sedan?

You’re a man after my own heart

Are those canes with the swords in them!????

Really great movie that touches on this called The Scarlet and the Black.

I just had this exact, albeit drunken, conversation over the weekend.

I’m RangerSmith, and I’m a rotorhead. I drove a ‘72 Rx-2 coupe(Little White Banshee) from about 2006-2009. A family heirloom, you could say. Mine wasn’t nearly as fast as this as this one, but my interior was mint! NA 12A. But I’d removed the 100lb cast iron “afterburner” attached to the engine, and redone the whole

My favorite David Fincher movie. Way better than Fight Club, and not as twisted as Se7en.

Tell that to all the people that are still losing homes in Chelan.

My father was USCG(36 years, recently retired and divorced, as neither of my parents adjusted to him being home all the time), I understand the restlessness itch and desire that’s impossible to explain but urging you to experience other places. The part that was different for me was being able to relate to others

This is interesting. As the new kid, I had other kids at the public schools quickly ask/tell me that I had an accent. Not in a mean way, but usually out of curiosity.