Can we stop using the term MMO for mobile games? There’s nothing “massive” about any game on mobile except for the monetization.
Can we stop using the term MMO for mobile games? There’s nothing “massive” about any game on mobile except for the monetization.
what would you rather have...harvesting whales for piles of money at little to no effort...or a series of single-sales that depend almost entirely on the content being somewhat good, meaning you have to actually work for it?
“the game will be released in China first.”
So we get this but not the remaining pieces of DLC?
Because it deserves to brushed off. Get over yourselves and download the damn launcher if you want your game.
I think I need to know more about this secret dungeon.
Hmmm... while I don’t have a problem when devs will reuse assets to make a boss-level thing. If you cannot resolve bugs (such as the three of coins issue) tied to the reuse of assets, that seems like rushed work. In this case we wouldn’t even be able to blame the publisher since Bungie is notorious for trying to keep…
Just curious, what is your fav PSVR game?
Oh that’s pretty neat, then!
No need for going through all the troubles with publishing an actual game!
So.. Is Dreams a game engine like Unreal/Unity or..?
Yo. Marylander here. I don’t want to say this recent crab tossing all started with the Caps Stanley Cup run, but crabs =/= octopus (Detroit red wings) or Catfish (Nashville predators). I don’t think I have to explain why.
How did nobody notice the stench of a kid walking around with rotting sea food at a Smash Tou---oooohhh, nevermind.
Clearly, the crab was just trying to establish that he had next.
Smash is my favorite multiplayer game series ever. Like nothing else even comes close for me. But man, the community is toxic as ****. And not just fans of the competitive community. Go to any Smash message board on the internet, and it will be a toxic waste dump of ***holes, trolls, and other BS. The further you…
Maybe the guy in the crowd was trying to start a Crab Rave.
Is throwing a crab at people a thing in...well, anything? By that I mean, is it a tradition like throwing an octopus on the ice at hockey games or something like that?
Someone threw a raw crab at him.
Are you sure it wasn’t Whizzo™ Butter?