
They have and continue to do so... we ALL heard about the Trump supporter who hit a trump protester(cowboy hat man) what you have not heard are the other numerous cases of Trump protesters assaulting Trump supporters inside and outside his events. Not a single article on this family of sites for any of those attacks,

Gawker absolutely decides not to report on important topics. Gawker is just made up of a bunch of angry, left wing bloggers. They report what they think matters and it’s rarely anything but republicans bad, democratics good.

Sooooo...you admit that Facebook needs more women, but you wouldn’t work there unless they hired more women? Your name is Sherri, this implies that you are in fact a woman, so how would your refusal to work there, help them hire more women? Am I missing something there, or is your feminism causing some sort of inane

Yes, differing opinions should always be suppressed. That has worked so well throughout history.