
It was immediately clear the police had fucked up royally but holy shit what a worthless bunch of highly armed cowards.

The way they say he was “contained” is so bizarre.  He was contained....in a roomful of children he was killing.

Yeah, I knew the police version of the events was wrong from the start of it... they said they were in the school in less than 5 minutes after the guy entered. Yeah, right - that’s why he was able to shoot up the place for 45 minutes! Good luck getting a consent decree to investigate and make changes, though. Texas

He didn’t “barricade” himself in. He locked the door. That’s it.

Choldren? Look at the picture. Young adults! They are criminals and they made the choice to try to get a free ride on USA Tax payers. No! These are criminals as much as thieves. They are here for a better life. Fine, they can do it legally!

They know their behavior is illegal in most cases and inhumane in pretty much all cases. So they use the word “UNFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIR” when they’re either called on their lies, required to tell the the truth about what they’re doing — or, like with Manafort and Flynn, actually punished for their crimes under the

You show crying Mexican children in cages to your Trump “base voters” and it really turns them on. They absolutely love this. When one of these kids turns up dead, there’ll be celebrations from coast to coast.

Calling attention to putting children in cages? That’s unforgiveable.

They do, and it was cribbed from Nazis and other fascists.

“Sure, we don’t like brown people in the US (or black people, and you know, those yellow people are sure good at math and maybe a little shifty), but we are NOT RACISTS.

Five years from now, this thing will be $35k all over ebay.