
Best part was Leslie bashing Barbara's head on the floor lol. Sucks that there wasn't and blood.

Seemed like one the whole season imo.

It was obvious Barbara had mental issues in the earlier episodes.

I approve of the rating. C+ because it had Barbara in it, and she didn't die. What a let down.

Did anyone think the part where he mentioned his art being used in a way he didn't like was a reference to anything?

Lol, horrible misunderstanding

Yeah, I didn't like the vibe from that scene either. Was pretty suggestive imo

"Take these cookies"

Haha, no one can possibly feel sorry for barbara.

Lmao, kinda late for that after throwing him in the trash

lol you would come here to ask rather than google. times have changed

dumbass barbara strikes again. unbelievably mentioning her irrationality, but still continuing to be irrational. i'm not going to watch this show if he takes her back this season. i'd rather him not take her back at all.

wow, this got gay fast lol

too young for cat woman i guess lol.

lol if anyone can appreciate(or at least ogle) females, it's probably Cisco

Gordon: I won let anyone hurt you
Barbara: How can you promise me that?

Barbara:Tell me it'll be ok. Tell me there aren't any monsters. Lie if you have to

oh my god Gordon, just leave that dumbass Barbara. she's irrational, and
constantly shows hints of being mildly retarded. Then on top of that,
she's a liar, and then doesn't show any real faith in you. Ditch that

Can't, or wont? Had a flashback LOL