I’m an immigrant and I totally think the value system of the adoptive country should be privileged over the value system of the home country. That’s why I left. Because the value system of the home country sucked ass.
Who would make you happy (please don't say Michael B. Jordan)?
“I’m not sure that you get to tell an Asian woman what Asian stereotypes she gets to be offended by.”
Cream has the right to tell anyone anything, really.
I am part Asian (Korean) and female. And back in the greys it would appear...
Sorry, but it seems to be reaching. If they had referred to her as a “dragon lady” or “lotus blossom”, I could understand. But then again I am not her.....
At least they’d be stealthy that way, most guys can’t find those either.
Honestly, that has to be the last thing that came to this part Asians mind. I would of taken offense at the words “Macklemore” and “hella”.
In Birmingham they love the Gov’nor, boo hoo ooo
Now we all did what we could do
Now Watergate does not bother me
Does your conscience bother you?
Tell the truth
Holy shit, SPURGEON?!?
The dopplegang’s all here.
I don’t control shit.
“Take your star”
That only happens on submarines
Now you have me thinking the crew are painting nudes of each other below decks.
I rewatched episode 4 recently and was surprised at how Luke, Han, and Chewie were all happy their plan to get to Leia worked, and then were shocked that they had no clue on how to escape the cell block. Leia is like, jeez, way to halfass a plan fellas, grabs Luke’s blaster and gets them the hell outta there, “into…