
Canada, no, but Vancouver, yes.

I’ve said this before, but just for once, regardless of which party does well in the election, I’d like for all the people who say every four years that they will move to Canada if the opposing party wins, to just shut up and move to Canada.

I, personally, love the idea of renaming the Robert E. Lee Elementary School to the Kim Il-Sung High School.

It’s actually a common phenomenon across all races. I’m a white American. If you dropped me off in Somalia, I would have a helluva time telling people apart, whereas you drop me off in the UK or Germany, no problem. If a Somalian were dropped off in my suburb, they’d probably struggle mightily differentiating amongst

This one time, at zoo camp,...

If the US Men’s team played Mexico every home game, they’d have the best attendance in the world.

In what world does she imagine that the incredibly privileged 1%, like her, would do well in a revolution? The revolution would destroy people like her because she stands for the 1%.

I agree, especially when you consider that young white people purchase the clear majority of rap and hip hop music.

Absolutely right. The war on drugs results in less opportunities for AAs who are disproportionately affected. Why wouldn’t those lost opportunities include the weed industry that has to run a fairly tight ship?

Like her, these early ISIS recruits were graduates of Western colleges, spoke fluent English, and were under 30.

Our current Captain America World Police approach of “whatever it takes to protect our interests in the natural resources of other countries”is slowly dismantling every non-european society on earth.

So the people making decisions in the Egyptian Secret Police are like the idiot criminals in “Alpha Dog?” That’s comforting.

Those adorable killer seal soldiers are actually RUSSIAN adorable killer seal soldiers, and therefore no longer adorable. I, for one, support the candidate that will protect us from an armed seal RUSSIAN invasion. Per seals-world.com “Many species of seals have no natural predators. This is due to the location where

Ha, this is random, but I once knew an arborist with a tattoo of the Lorax on his arm. He also had a very salty elocution, and would probably enjoy this picture.

Jay Z, to my knowledge, has only ever been in trouble (besides pre-fame drug dealing) when he stabbed someone who he believed was bootlegging his CDs (in hindsight, that certainly explains his involvement with Tidal). He plead down to a misdemeanor. So, as far as celebs go, he is fairly clean.

Yea, its seems as though he is saying, “Marlon and Penn had great careers after (allegedly) beating women, Howard should be able to too!” When it should be like, “Hey, why don’t we make sure that all future (alleged) abusers are held to the higher standard that Howard is held to (11 movies and two TV series in the

It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Alexandria is female. It has everything to do with her being 15.

First off, it is David Bowie’s money. He chose the wise option of willing his assets instead of letting them go to probate. In doing so, he has the option to decide how his assets will be dispersed. He could choose to not give any of his children money, to only give his hypothetical grandchildren money, or to leave it

Just to be clear, diversity is not a goal that should always be pursued to completion? And non-diverse groups and occupations should not always be criticized?