
By all accounts he is asexual, no need to bring his sexuality into this.

Yea, I agree with you. If Newton actually did say, “If I have seen further, it is because I stood on the shoulders of giants,” then it would be entirely improper not to include the great luminaries of Middle Eastern and Persian mathematics amongst those giants. I’m actually kind of stunned that you had a history of

uhh, don’t forget that al-Khwarizmi (the credited inventor of algebra), based his work off of his studies of earlier Greek and Indian mathematical works. In fact, the early Islamic intelligentsia itself, of which al-Khwarizmi was a part, is indebted to the works of the Greeks that preceded them. Early Islamic society

And before the Christian Spanish Inquisition and Crusades, it was the Muslim invasions of Iberia and the Levant, which definitely played a part in the formation of the Inquisition and the Crusades, respectively.

Personally, I found your belief that “European National = White” to be pretty egregious.

Sigh. The terrorists were second and third generation immigrants, born and raised in Europe, not “white terrorists”. The fears of actual Syrian refugees is largely unfounded because first generation immigrants are overwhelming appreciative of either the safety or the economic opportunity in their new countries that

Muslims aren’t fucking tigers, they’re people. They’re not reduced to acting on instinct. Your analogy is fucked, too. The French state is secular, therefore religious law (which there is minimum basis in Sharia to ban images of Muhammad) does not apply, and people are free to insult and be insulted (brief tangent; so

Helping the victims doesn’t do anything to change the status quo, either in the Middle East or in Europe. A tiny fraction of 1.5 billion people is A LOT of people who are radicalized or susceptible to radicalization. The West cannot force Islam to change because that leads to radicalization. Sunni Islam has to change,