Discussion time: who would you put money on in a fight, Nicole or Reese? Reese seems like she’d cut a bitch, but Nicole survived Tom Cruise for ten years, so I feel like it’d be pretty even odds.
Discussion time: who would you put money on in a fight, Nicole or Reese? Reese seems like she’d cut a bitch, but Nicole survived Tom Cruise for ten years, so I feel like it’d be pretty even odds.
No problem. I’m pretty sure The Good Fight got in a “motherfucker” and many “fucks.” I think they’re saving their uncensored for the original content.
The CBS All Access livestream is not a separate livestream. They tap into a network’s live broadcast and stream it. So, no, they couldn’t forgo censoring “fuck” on the livestream through the app as the live show for that particular station was censored. I live in the Midwest and I got ads for the news station in…
I haven’t watched big network TV since Parks & Rec went off the air. CBS is top on the garbage heap, in my opinion. Occasionally I’ll catch up on Fox’s animated shows when they’re in syndication, and if I have time for SNL I’ll tune in. But for me, there’s so much more talent and creativity on cable networks - even…
She was born into it, meaning that if she wants to see her family at all for the rest of her life and avoid having them be punished with grueling labor on the RFP, she’s more or less stuck there. She’s not a Cruise or Travolta where they’re advocating for the church.
She seems like one of those people that is perpetually complaining. She’s the friend that makes a scene at the restaurant about the table, the service, the water, the view, and then complains to the manager by starting out with, “I come here A LOT...”.
I read somewhere that someone once asked Queen Elizabeth for some wisdom and she said, “Whenever I see a toilet I use it.” I’ve also read that she travels with a special calfskin toilet seat cover, presumably discreetly toted around by a factotum.
Same. I am guessing, in this specific instance, girl got hella paid. Because Sheen wanted to go age appropriate, to rehab his bad boy image (LOL), and thought she showed incredible range in Showgirls...
This is why I outsource my hotness. There’s another guy out there dealing with all of that getting hit on and managing various relationships and getting offers to star in movies. Too much work.
Lost has an incredibly fulfilling finale, THANK YOU VERY MUCH—I mean, on a character level, at least.
That seems unfair to say The Sopranos ending was richly layered and the Lost one was unfulfilling. Average fans also hated how The Sopranos ended.
I read a revealing comment on Indiewire’s review of the episode. Apparently, “jaio dai” is Japanese for “to explain.” So Lynch’s idea of the ultimate evil is explaining. Which is perfect.
Maybe it’s Baby’s First Critical Analysis to suggest that Twin Peaks: The Return is an extended meditation on both itself and the original run of episodes, but that’s the most coherent interpretation I have so far. I guess the only insight less piercing than that would be “Dale Cooper symbolically represents the…
Thank you. I was hoping someone was going to mention that stupid name. What is it with fantasy naming that is so cringeworthy?
Why not both?
Never a truer statement has been made.
Yeah, I just sit right on the toilet seat like a normal person. What do you do when you’re out and they don’t have these? Lay out paper on the seat? I’m not down with that nasty dude who leaves his wad of toilet paper on the seat when he’s done with his business. (This may also apply to women, but I’m generally in the…
Stop that! In memory of Prince, don’t fight.
As someone with a far-less read blog, I feel confident in telling you, no one wants your design note. Unless it’s an accessibility issue, in which case, share away.
I’m not sayin we won’t get our hair mussed!