
I did wonder if it wasn’t strictly auto-tune because it’s not got that typical tinny result, so knowing there are more appropriate tools for post-production makes a lot of sense, and good knowledge to file away.

You’re clever. And absolutely correct. Good analysis. Much like the CGI argument, it’s not a bad tool, but it must be used in moderation and when it takes the center stage (e.g. foreground special effects or the primary vocal in a song) it can veer into “uncanny valley.” Moderation is not something Hollywood is

This is great, thanks for the information.

Fantastic info, thanks for putting it up.

I’m in my early 40s, never been married and am a very ‘good on paper and in presentation’ dating candidate. When people that have only known me a short time or just met me get into the whole “Why aren’t you maaaahweeeeeed? It makes no sense!” shit, I just smile and tell them “marriage and children were never something

I’ve always been fine with the thought of staying single forever. It’s never really scared me. That said, the way you’ve presented the two options is a bit biased...on one hand, a level ongoing outlook as a single person, and on the other, a relationship that will inevitably go sour according to your approximation. So

Samsies. I took myself off the market when I realized I didn’t want to marry or have any LTR romantic relationship. Dating was simply more trouble than it was worth. Friends, family, pets, and my own self is perfectly satisfactory.

...short-rib burger blend molded into a sad little meat thing, sitting in the center of a massive, rapidly staling brioche bun, hiding its shame under a slice of melted orange cheese...

Mr. Gorelick is the fucking worst. More musicians than Metheny can tell you that. But yeah, the depth of Metheny’s breakdown as to why Gorelick is so bad is pretty fantastic.

Isnt it obvious? His luscious hair gained sentience decades ago and he uses them as an alternative his hands.

I was rooting for Michael Emerson but at least this is unusual casting and could make this worth watching...?

My friend worked at a movie theater in high school. Someone loaded the film reels of Tank Girl out of order. Not one customer complained.

Your screen name sounds accurate

Not a bit. They are like the Palins had inherited millions of dollars.

I wonder if Josie’s still trapped in the drawer knob.

When battling the world’s ills

I posted about how scared some of my students (middle schoolers, so 10-14 years old) were on Wednesday, and my father (Trump supporter) had the gall to say that everyone’s overreacting, give him a chance, he’ll be great. I told him to fuck off and he said he’ll never speak to me again until I apologize, which won’t

Oh, I wish that all these singers knew

I hug you.