
Yeah don’t give two shits about the kardashians, I mean shes hot and all but rest of the hoopla is bullshit for suckers. I feel bad she was likely very scared...dying was very abstract when I was single and kidless, but once you have people that depend on you it’s much more terrifying to think about.

Her engagement ring accounted for almost half of the $11 million. She wasn’t necessary traveling with a steamer trunk filled with jewels - she may actually have lost only five or six more pieces in addition to the ring. Her bodyguard was with her sisters, who were at a nightclub. Also, I read somewhere that none of

My understanding is that when celebrities are loaned extremely high-end jewels for fancy events, they come with their very own security detail to discreetly protect the goods. I would imagine that unless Kim outright owns all that expensive finery, the loaner gems might have come with safekeeping stipulations: say,

I’ve read many anecdotes that the stuff you see are high quality fakes with most celebs. Makes sense. But then i also wonder why the jewelry industry exists? Makes no sense

I won’t argue for an instant the fact that she’s faced a traumatic experience, and deserves our compassion for that.

If this happens I will dance in the streets.

“The media continues to operate as the propaganda arm of Hillary Clinton as they took Mr. Trump’s words out of context”

This is just a theory, but the photo of the woman actually looked like Dolores to me (from what I could tell) standing in Times Square (NYC). I don’t know what the significance would be of that - but maybe at one time they had a park that simulated our current world and Dolores (being the oldest robot) was in that

For real... and the hand imprint on her arm, yick

Don’t do that to Odo.

I have so many problems with Lumpy Space Princess.

It’s best to use proper spelling before commenting on someone else’s intelligence.

What is wrong with this man? Psychologically, I mean. It’s like he thinks that saying something makes it magically true. Like the evidence will cease to exist or something because The Donald Trump declared that it didn’t happen.

I noticed early on that this season was all about the women: Darlene, Angela, Joanna, and Dom. Plus, we had many women in smaller-but-important roles, like Whiterose, Trenton, and Angela’s attorney. While Elliott was off in his own world, the ladies were running everything.

I thought the characters have ended up exactly where they were supposed to and it was the great ending of their arcs this season.


You should read the script. It’s honestly the best to come out of Hollywood in years. How they execute the movie is yet to be seen. But the script maybe me laugh and cry and I think Pratt and Lawrence were perfectly cast.

*hums to ‘Time of the Preacher’*


Makes sense, she can’t stay with someone for too long. Otherwise they start asking questions about how she never ages and needs permission to enter people’s homes.