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In before jokes about Walken knowing a thing or two about timepieces in unusual places.

French Press ftw.

What's public can't become private without a fee (Aereo), but what's private can't become public without a warrant (this).

Oh, man. Edibles. I had a journey alright. A journey of lost love, challenging stairs, and the solace of watching the Winter Olympics.

why don't you watch it and decide for yourself

Which Pixaar movies qualify as musicals? The Incredibles had no songs, the only songs in Wall-E where from Wall-E watching bits of Hello Dolly, Up had no songs, Cars had no songs. Toy Story 2 had a single song in it.

That is all. Carry on.

And if you gaze for long into the vagina, the vagina also gazes into you.

1. Try not to panic

One of those popular brands is made in Israel, so I don't buy it. When I'm in Cleveland I get a locally produced brand—Amir—which comes in a plastic jar.

And lucky is the man who can keep his inner child alive until he dies.

"But Cersei is at her most sympathetic, having just lost her son..."

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Oh my god spaceship sound from The Jetsons would be amazing

Dr. Heywood Floyd: Listen, just because our governments are behaving like asses doesn't mean we have to. We're supposed to be scientists, not politicians

I literally have no idea what this movie is about, but damn the teaser trailer blew me away. I'm not even a science-fiction person! But after watching True Detective, just those few seconds of McConaughey and the narration and monologue hooked me. I'm not a Nolan fanboy, but man, I honestly think it was one of the

For what it's worth, I read the version of the script that's floating around out on the Interwebs. You won't hear a spoiling word from me about plot points, but I will say that it's hard science fiction, on an order I don't recall ever seeing in a popular film. I'm very excited; I think this is coming in under most

This is his punishment for handing over Han and Leia, HE KNOWS WHAT HE DID

Lamy Safari fountain pen with a broadest nib available. I use the self-contained cartridges but they also come with a (slightly leaky) refillable reservoir. These pens have served me well for many years, the nibs wearing in a way that they always write better for me than for anyone else. I still have one I bought in

@drongch: I'm open to hearing what you have to say and having a discussion about it, but I have a policy of ignoring people who take a malicious approach to conversation. I felt something that you said fell under this heading, and if you'd like to try again with a kinder approach, I'd be happy to have a conversation