
If no one’s beaten me to it…

For some reason, I immediately thought of Mitch McConnell.

Since we’re on the subject, it’s worth mentioning that Chateau Ste. Michelle’s Brut is an excellent sparkling wine, at a bargain-basement price.

I have nothing remotely sarcastic or joking to say at all.

This makes me happy, too. They’re each lucky to have found the other, and both deserve the best.

I wrote to Socks the Cat and got a card back from the White House, signed with a paw print.

An excellent strategy.

I too have a taste for Champagne, and a budget that can’t keep up.

I spent yesterday at my desk, streaming the entire session. I feel like I got hit by a dump truck.

If you had purchased a superior calculator – like TapBot’s CalcBot.

So… does this mean Cardi B is a Lumpy Face Princess?

Here’s one – “Powder your own damn nose, for a change.”

I can predict – with absolute and utter certainty – that at some climactic point in the movie, a vengeful Nels will be seen using his snowplow to bury and smother the drug lord under a ridiculously vast quantity of the titular illegal Hard Powder.

Yes, the best little girl.

My beloved rescue kitty Milla (MEEEEE-la) knows exactly who she is.

I recently scored a 2001 Merc E320 for $1,000 – and it’s in great shape! So I think I can afford a new paint job. Here’s what I have in mind:

This is true. Still, this map reminds us that it’s a relatively small swath of people having that effect, and not the near-solid red nation T**** would have us believe with the propaganda map he has posted throughout the White House. (Yup, he’s got a bunch of them to remind everyone of His Glorious Victory. The

In these times of despair, this map helps me. Remember that – contrary to what T**** wants you to believe – all those states in the wide open center of the country aren’t red – they’re actually essentially empty. (The colors depict the 2016 election.)

and the kitties are sleeeeee–piiing…”

spell “intricate” properly