I Swear, I Had Something For This…

Still bringing out that old taken out of context quote? Weaksauce.

Dehumanization is, well, not a joke. This sort of stuff plays in with the increasing radicalization, including violent radicalization (different stages) of the far-right. Sending rhetoric signals like this promote dehumanization which is already exceedingly common on the far-right. This isn’t harmless. He’s sending a

Nope. They said the money was for St. Judes and then they diverted the money that was for St. Judes away from St. Judes to their own pockets. People who donated the money were conned into thinking the money would go to St. Judes. Thats wrong. Sorry, you can’t justify it.

Al Franken.

If only more leaders had the stones to stand up and say they dont want him to visit.

I get what you’re saying but I guess the idea is which team from this era will be more remembered in 20-30 years? Barca or Real?

I’m lost on this one. Real Madrid is great, but they didn’t like...defeat the game of soccer itself or something?

The name trump is an insult to the title of President and all the people who held that office before. Even the worst of them would be embarassed to see how far the office has fallen.

The biggest insult to a President is to deny calling him by that title.

Bunch of immigrants work for me. Come into work everyday and do an honest day’s work, everyday. Fuck this bill.

Oh, just to pile on, Steve King is a national disgrace, and if the voters of his section of Iowa were capable, they should be ashamed not only that they can produce someone like Steve King, but that they continue to send him to Congress.

Now I don’t know much about Steve King but he appears to be a caricature of conservitism. Now I have read enough Stephen King to know that he is clearly being controlled by a far more cunning and insidious puppet master who I think is really Randall Flagg.

I hope it ends up better for them than most winners.

I’ve done Murph a couple times (no vest), and I think my best time ever was around 55 minutes. For comparison, I can run a mile in 5:30, two miles at 13:00 without feeling particularly winded, rock climb regularly at V4s pushing to V5s, and oh yeah, I played in the fucking NFL.

I am now picturing him holding the leash of a Kodiak and grinning.

Swap out Kate and Idris for Kellyanne Conway and Steve Bannon, and make the inevitable sex scene like 3x longer. Instant horror movie!

Gotta love #2 coming in with a sucker punch. On a referee.

Abortion isn’t mentioned in the Bible, that I recall. Nor is Birth Control.

Leave it to old White Men to decide what is best for women of all ages and races.