Randy St33d

I can’t stop laughing at this Sea Hamster oh my god, humans are the best and worst thing in the world this is magnificent

According to CNN, Baluchi’s 2014 rescue cost $144,000; the Coast Guard was called after receiving reports of “a disoriented man in a bubble off the coast of Miami, who was asking for directions to Bermuda.”

Normal men don’t. Fucking horrible men do. If normal men did this, it wouldn’t even be news. This is an absolute aberration.

Acknowledging your daughter is a sexual being is one thing, and is probably good for maintaining a healthy relationship. But yeah. I... don’t actually think that normal men look at their daughters as potential sexual partners. In fact, I would argue that that would then classify that man as “not normal.”

I have 3 girls.

The point in my life where I feel so old I have absolutely no idea who this is someone change my bedpan please.