
That gets a golf clap. Well done, you!

I gave Snowpiercer a lot of slack because it a) articulated some kind of idea and worldview b) stuck with them and c) had Allison Pill and the horrible children in it. Was it unsubtle? Yes, especially at the end. Did it sometimes feel like Hobbes for the slow? Yeah, sure. But it was at least ambitious and

Not true! He was also spiritual role model to many a douchey frat boy.

But who else (aside from Hugh Jackman, I guess?) will pick up the Canadian super hero mantle?

There's a lot of bs-y reasons, but the biggest one is that studios are convinced that African-American actors have absolutely no value in foreign markets.

I always come back to Margaret Atwood's quote:
"Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them."

While this is a 100% true, and a subject my husband and I discussed in depth, we realized that we really enjoy weddings and decided to have as much fun as humanly possible at our own. Which we did.

He was a sad robot, and I was a vampire queen.

True story: I realized I was in love with my husband at a Say Hi To Your Mom concert.

I kept on shouting Begbie's lines from Trainspotting whenever the dude who looks like Robert Carlyle shows up. That's a form of caring, right?

maybe he's Alsatian. Mmm choucroute garni.

As long you've got a comfortable enough relationship where you can both say what you want, how can sex be bad? I can see it being mediocre, maybe…but bad?

If you want to see some great Hogarth works in the world's most eccentric museum, you NEED to go to the Sir John Soane Museum. It is the best.

My husband (who works in tech) can't get through an episode without squirming. The most cartoony, hard to believe stuff is the most accurate.

Mike Judged worked in tech before he sent off his Beavis and Butthead videos. Or at least that is the lore on the internet

I do know a Polish girl who is getting her PhD in film theory with a focus, specifically, on blaxploitation. The juxtaposition of that is just the awesomest.

He is also unofficial mayor of the yearly LA Greek Festival and gives tons of money to our NPR affiliate. He's a sweetheart!

Elephantiatis IS THE ENEMY

because the trailer is 100 lbs of sun-warmed, day old potato salad from Walmart.

You mean like this?