Randy Riddle

The glitches mainly came from a stack of the discs being stored flat - the weight of the caddies would crush the grooves.

What?!?  You had Stacy Keach in a room and didn't ask him about one his best film roles as "The Traveling Executioner"?!?

If you're interested at all in how great directors work, get the Criterion edition of this flick that has a feature-length documentary made up of rushes from the film.  Laughton's widow still had all the outtakes from the movie in their garage and an archivist assembled it into the most fascinating "making of" I've

Congratulations, Keith - you've just experienced the same cultural shift I did in the 1970s.  Growing up in the mountains of NC, my family listened to Loretta Lynn, George Jones and Tammy Wynette and I have a wonderful aunt with a big record collection with all of the classic 50s and 60s rock I could handle.

Recently, I've been watching "Suspense" and "Tales From Tomorrow", two half-hour live anthology series from the early 50s.  Live tv drama is fascinating and very immediate - a strange hybrid of live theater and television.  The focus is really on the characters and the actors.  It's no wonder that the people who

Man, Danny Bonaduce needs to stay off the drugs…

You forgot one thing they did just before the big announcement on Qwikster (gawd, what a stoopid name) - they "hid" all of the saved movies in your instant queue without telling customers ahead of time they were doing this.