Randy Owens

Ah, you would prefer three?

Forget whom??

It won't take off until the fifth attempt. Every try at it until then will collapse, or blow up, or mysteriously vanish.

Hell, to this day, all it takes is the soundtrack of SiL coming up in my random playlists and I get all choked up.


Garibaldi as Zaphod, preparing his pan-galactic gargleblaster.

Maybe Garibaldi's just a lousy tipper.

First time, I glossed over that sentence, and was scratching my head wondering "in what sense is this 'the end of Babylon 5'?" Then, notice the letter swap, and "oh I see what you did there."

Tell Byron "good luck with that!" for me.

The other thing I sometimes wonder is, what if JMS had at least known in advance, and not sacrificed Marcus to save a character who was going to be written out anyway? It certainly wouldn't have been as much of a change as keeping Ivanova would have; outside of "Learning Curve" and maybe some of the Centauri plotline,

Needs möre ümläüts.


I dunno, "motorcunt" just wouldn't cut it for me.

Forgotten "GROPOS" already, have we?

"[L]eft us on top" of a pike?

Yeah, but that was just after he was seeing Delenn in the doorway, and earlier in the room with the first interrogator. I always assumed that the Drazi was another hallucination of his. He was sleep-deprived and starved, and we know they were giving him some pretty mind-altering drugs in the next episode, so it seems

Back in the old days, when de facto CD standards weren't so set in stone yet, CD tracks could be split up by indexes [sic], and the B5 CDs actually used this, as I recall.* Since that part of the standard has fallen by the wayside, though, it's increasingly hard to find anything that plays CDs and recognizes those

I always wondered if it wasn't just a matter of the 5 being in reference to the show's five-year arc. Or would that not be subtle enough?

And along similar lines, it played a fairly prominent role in A Beautiful Mind, too.

Could we get those together, in the same package? That would be more efficient.