Randy Gorehole

AD! Reference. Fairly obscure.

But I saw my first dog get hit by a car… Who Frankensteined my dog?! KISSES WHY?!?!

Pfft, Mark Strong is only allowed to play bad guys. Everyone knows that.

That film was so fucking good. Why did nobody see it? I'm blaming Stallone for ruining the franchise for everybody.

Ha! I wouldn't say I was a hardcore racist, I only attend 80% of the clan meetings. But I do try, y'know?

Honestly it took me getting a weird patch of darker skin near the top for me to realise that I was probably doing it wrong.

I'd say he's probably a dry guy. Take care of your dick guys, it won't grow back!

That is a serious commitment to jerkin' it. Dude's junk must look like it went five rounds with a barbed wire fence.

That's my complaint. I got no issue with someone doing racial material, as long as it's funny. All of that was just shit, telegraphed punchlines with no point other than "ooh I done a racism, aren't I charming and delightful?". Garbage.

That clip is the bit you chose to use to recommend that people should watch this? Haha "ironic" racism, that is hilarious. Saying racist things in a cutesy voice doesn't make it any less despicable.

Depends on the guest as well. Rob Gleeson and Ian Karmel are usually very good at keeping him off his ranting, and James Adomian's episodes will often leave me crying laughing, but the "family" shows are usually not worth bothering with.

Thing is I already agree with his viewpoint and really don't need it smashed down my throat every single time I listen to what is ostensibly a comedy podcast. I usually like Todd more on other peoples shows where the worst of his self-indulgence is curbed somewhat.

Anyone still listening to the Todd Glass show? When he can stop preaching in a really repetitive and boring fashion and just lets the show flow it's fantastic and has produced some of the best podcasts I've heard. The recent two with Jen Kirkman and PFT were really great.

Who's Honor and where do they get their stuff from? I'm sorry I'll show myself out…

Best episode of the season and probably the best since Adventures in Hayley-sitting. The whole burning the house gag down made me laugh as hard as any show has for years.

Never quite hit the heights of some of the recent episodes and had a lot of filler, plus I thought the stand up was fairly weak for once. Hopefully it's just a temporary lapse in what has otherwise been a real upgrade on last season. Did enjoy the glasses bit though.

Genuinely one of the funniest things to ever happen on Arrow, she is like a fucking plank of wood made animate.

They all hate each other but equally they're all trapped because they have nothing else other than their jobs in their lives, so who else would they spend time with?

I'm genuinely shocked that this one has gotten so much indifference on here when I really laughed at it. I didn't laugh once at the Equestranauts one too, just to really distance myself from everyone else here. Am I watching the show wrong?

I saw in the promos for next week that they're actually planning to do something with that key. Only taken you 'til the very end of season 3 to deal with something that has existed from the start of the show and never been even vaguely explained. The lore on this show is inconsistent as hell. Still it manages to be