Randy Gorehole

Stephanie Beatriz is so fricking adorable when she gets to play excited or happy. I'm liking the character development they've been doing with her recently because she was getting pigeon holed into the straight man role a little too much of late. Good to see her getting some good lines and showing off her acting

As a native I can recommend Friday Night Dinner, all of that is on 4od, Just get the Hola! app for Chrome and set your browsing country to the UK.

Really enjoying this so far, I think Gustin was a good left field pick for the Flash and him and Joe have really good chemistry together, you really buy that he cares about him. Still not a big fan of StarLab FitzSimmons but maybe with a bit more development they might come good? The main problem I have is that

Plus eye torture!

Life's A Bitch is possibly my favourite just for that killer A.Z opening which might be the best verse on the entire thing, but The World Is Yours is unbelievable as you guys say and It Ain't Hard To Tell is also brilliant. So one of those. Probably.
Really is like picking a favourite child though, such a consistent

Come on, him falling down the rope was genius. Not as good as Capaldi screaming at the tramp for his coat though. That was pure Tucker and it was amazing.

Henry Cow-zinger amiright?

At least you got to see them live. I live in England so the best I can do is videos on YouTube and live recordings. I'm very jealous.

I listened to the new Aaron Freeman album (Gene Ween) which is fucking fantastic. Cannot recommend it enough. Stand out songs for me;
. Black Bush
. Gimme One More
. Covert Discretion
. (For A While) I Couldn't Play My Guitar Like A Man
. Golden Monkey
Even for people put off by the weirdness of Ween it's worth a listen,

Well not to re-kindle this pointless (and obviously already lost) battle but you did call me a grammar moron. Which implies a degree of superiority. However as it was (hopefully) intended in jest and I have apparently had a sense of humour bypass today, I think I shall quit whilst I'm not yet a pariah here.

Yeah the most convincing argument against my argument was made by my bad use of language. Touché.

Incorrect, I said some people don't have a head for rules, and I don't remember putting myself in that bracket. I didn't specify that I meant this for all written communication but I was explicitly annoyed with grammar Nazi's, IE people who go around correcting other people's grammar in order to feel superior.

I guess it depends on the spirit of the correction. Someone doing it in a nice and helpful way is good. But that doesn't often happen on the internet does it?

Yeah obviously on official stuff I recommend you don't use informal language, but who would honestly make that argument? I just think policing it on internet comments sections is a bit ridiculous and strikes me as an easy way to devalue someone's opinion without taking into account their viewpoint first.

I'm more talking about people who correct other people's grammar on comment sections like this. It just comes off as twatty and if you can understand it what is the point? It's just an easy way for mean spirited people to feel superior.

Yeah that's the kind of thing I'm talking about, self righteous people who think language has to obey rules. Does it communicate meaning? Then piss off with your arbitrary nonsense about correct usage.

I liked the Aluminium foil one a lot and Tacky was great. I actually thought Word Crimes was the weakest because nobody likes a grammar Nazi.

Ooh this should be a vitriol free comments section. I've heard people round here like this guy.

As an Englishman, I'd just like to say it's not too late. We'll still take you back America, daddy loves you.

Kermode has a fairly good following on his BBC Radio 5 Review show, often in the top 10 podcasts etc. His passion for great films and his hatred for bad ones really comes over well on radio and he's very entertaining to listen to.