J.T. Dawgzone

Credit where credit is due. I was one of those people annoyed with people complaining about the Sansa arc before we even saw where it was going to go on the show, but you guys were right and it turned out terrible. I'd complain about it, but that part's already been done for me.

Goddamn that would've been awesome.

I'm in the middle of a re-read and the guy who tries to dig through the Wall is named Arson Iceaxe.

I enjoyed your blog, but why is the "I Voted" image at the bottom of each review so huge?

Sweet, does this mean we can still get Mads Mikkelsen as Euron somehow??

I think you have some issues.


So did I before I watched this movie — and it was the first Melissa McCarthy thing I'd ever seen. I liked it a lot.

Guys, we did this last year with Mhysa. Don't get my hopes up again.

That story warps my brain.

That was super cute and I need it as a reaction gif.

So basically every Final Fantasy summons kill.

I thought that Dark Star is only ever talked about derisively by fans, but maybe I'm not going to the right forums. I don't remember him from AFFC either.


What's with the random caps?

I really think people don't know what "agency" means, or maybe the meaning has changed so much in popular usage that it's leading to all these misunderstandings.

I fucking loved that movie (as did everyone else here based on @avclub-4a51fda79bbd54b4e7327dd6559b6c4d:disqus comments below). No one I know in real life ever talks about it :(

I both agree and disagree. True, a lot of the ideas could be better developed, but maybe the show is aiming for a "worst case scenario" situation. While a lot of people could just ask a friend, the show is asking us to consider the scenario where we have a guy who's completely isolated except for his girlfriend (and I

I see — thanks. I don't really know anything about those terms beyond what I learn when people post about how fictional characters fit into the categories.

And then I think he went into Jon's office with a knife! (Like Arya with Tywin.)