J.T. Dawgzone

Well, I'm just one person, but yes for me I tuned in when it was the hot new thing and I watched it with my girlfriends at the office. I got sick of it a long time ago, but I have a hard time quitting shows, so I'm still watching but complaining about it the whole time, Bob Belcher-style.

Learned a new trope word from you; thanks!

This has made me realize that the armor has a face in the chest area.

I so appreciate this way of putting spoilers!

Man, this comment is a perfect bizarre synergy of brevity, content, username, and avatar.

Nice username.

What the fuck, that was Rupert Everett????? I remember having a huge crush on him back in the day, but I can't remember seeing him in anything for a long time, so much so that I forgot what he looked like apparently.

I remember them solely because people here complain about them so much….

Evil Assassin DJ was so ridiculous.

Thanks Perd Hapley :)

I fucking loved this movie, but I'm too scared to watch it again because it might not live up to how I felt about it (and no one else seems to like it), also the ending destroyed me

Oh yeah, forgot to say that one of the AIs will be gone, according to Nolan and Plageman. I hope you are right on all counts though!

Yes, and he did it so well, too! Almost made me cry.

Anyone know where those are?

Hannibal also has Bryan Fuller.

What have they won?

Didn't they go to the same university, even? (Looked it up — Southern Methodist University.) Root & Shaw: The College Years. Commence fanfic.



I'M HAVING THE SAME ISSUE. Nothing anyone's suggested has matched what I was vaguely thinking of when I was watching the ep. Damnit… (I also don't want to look at the tvtropes links because I don't want to read a bunch of spoilers about stuff I might want to watch one day.)