
China suffered the second most casualties in WWII behind the USSR, although their civilian to military casualty ratio was far higher than the Soviet’s (roughly 5:3 versus 4:5). European societies coped in part by encouraging emigration and immigration, but China’s social structures make it unlikely that only sons

It’s still a problem that China (and India, which has a smaller imbalance of 10-15 million, but which is growing unlike China’s) has to address. It’s pretty universal across societies that young men commit more crime than anyone; poor young men, with little to no social or economic prospects especially so. It is not

Yea, to be fair to the officer, we only see the last 15 seconds of their encounter and don’t know what happened before. To be fair to the girl, nobody should flip over a desk with a teen in it, like, ever. I know that it can be difficult dealing with noncompliant teens, but fuck, decent humans don’t assault teens who

Me IRL. Or at least freshman year of high school. I got contacts and have kept my hair short ever since that damn movie came out. Although, to be honest, you can’t blame my classmates for calling me “Napoleon on steroids” once you compare Napoleon Dynamite with a young RandomYouTubeVideo (I did pull ups in the

I like how they tie into this story. They look very much like a shoe designed to resemble a stegosaurus.

I have a rather inappropriate crush on the young Princess Elizabeth/Queen Elizabeth II.

I feel like all the parts that Renner has had should’ve gone to a much more talented actor, Ben Foster. Their kinda similar in looks (not unattractive, but not Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall). Foster has displayed much more ability in his more limited roles, imo. And, as far as I know, he’s not a raging douche

Sadly, that picture shows Convoy, the cat of HMS Hermione. The Hermione was sunk by a U-Boat in WWII with 88 fatalities, including Convoy.

I agree with you :)

OK, so more 52” waist than 42” waist? That’s legit.

Ehh, I’m 6’2” and 220 lbs, and I get about half of my clothes in Big and Tall section of stores. He’s 6’6” and looks to be about 245-255 lbs, so I’d venture to say that he has only shopped in Big and Tall sections since high school.

I’m a dude, so thankfully no one ever really tries to talk to me in public. My parents, on the other hand, see me with a book or newspaper and suddenly think, “now would be a great time to ask RandomYouTubeVideo about his day, or maybe to discuss the weather with him!”

That is utterly fantastic

The pronouns agree; the she in the last sentence refers to OP’s sister-in-law.

I’ve actually been steeling myself for years to hear that Idris Elba is actually a horrible person because, apparently, no one can be that hot and talented without being an ass. Fortunately, my preparations have been in vain thus far.

No, they do not care about 95% of women. They think they deserve the “young (under 25), fit (great in bed), popular (so the men are, by extension, popular), fun (great at and willing to give head), sexy (other men want but can’t have), big chested girls (but skinny!). They are very specific about the type of woman

Fun fact: in 2006, he was sentenced to three years probation for domestic violence.

The girl in the lower right hand corner is probably my favorite person ever. She does exactly what I do while at a baseball game: eat and drink while everyone else is having a good time, then check out the phone because baseball is boring. Also, apparently I’m my favorite person ever.

Not true. I’ve managed to put a clock face on every bomb I’ve ever built; they always stop at 00:00:01 before resetting to 24:00:00. The clocks that I’ve built, on the other hand, don’t tell time for shit and blowup when I least expect them to.