
The moment I saw the picture to the left, I couldn’t help but imagine that he is actually looking at a teenage girl or something.

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I admit to only recently having discovered musicals, and only due to my now having a 75 minute commute to work, but I have become obsessed with them, and particularly, most recently, Les Miserables. If you’re a musical aficionado, then you’re probably not surprised that the 10th Anniversary Concert of Les Mis is

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Fuck this shit I’m out (to pray that Cosby dies a painful/embarrassing death and/or still has the mental faculties to understand that HIS LEGACY IS DEAD)

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If I ever woke up and found myself inexplicably in Australia, my reaction would be quite similar to that of Bill Paxton:

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That is a classic PSA. My favorite PSA of all time is the following:

It’s not a very good (or PC) analogy, but I guess sometimes you need to use loaded language to get people’s attention?

To my knowledge the US is the only one to do so, but I think less than half of the states have similar laws.

Lol. Never seen it. Might have to watch it. Low expectations; its a rom-com.

How has that not been made into a rom-com yet??? Two middle-aged PR people, one about a decade younger than the other but both look fabulous all the time, have a tumultuous past for mundane reasons. Each PR person is representing a high-maintenance star that has publicity problems. Each PR person has a funny sidekick

You know the fantastic phenomenon of other countries shrugging off the US’s claims of human rights violations because the US violates human rights all the time? I kind of have that same response to the Zimbabweans. Your country and your leadership suck at anti-poaching (and human rights), don't try to shrug off blame

Cougars are fascinating because they’re fucking big (dude-cougars can weigh as much as a NFL linebacker; gal-cougars can weigh more than Rhonda Rousey), but they are more closely related to a house cat than a lion. They’re also not domesticated. This means there is a chance you can scratch a cougar behind the ear and

If you equate valor and medals with military duty, then the Brits actually do serve in the military. Charles and his brother Andrew served for several years, and William and Harry have both served for several years as well. In fact, Andrew and Harry both served in active war zones (Falklands and Afghanistan,

I’m more excited for a hopeful Sean Bean cameo at the Tower of Joy!

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Reminds me of one of favorite jokes in recent Oscar history… jump to about the 2:20 mark.

I, for one, look forward to continued centuries of internecine war between the two great enemies, England and France.

I’ve come to terms with recognizing that I’m an alcoholic within the last year or so, and I have the same symptoms as you. The second hardest thing to do is realize you have a problem. I went a solid 7 years of getting various stages of drunk (tipsy going to bed and waking up with no hangover to blackout with the

Ugh, Sarah Sanderson was my sexual awakening. Just reading, “amok, amok, amok!” turns my emotional state to puberty stricken boy.