
So faggot isn’t a big deal? #faggotlivesdontmatter?

America has no council ordered rapes, no caste system, and no unelected councils that can enact binding punishment.

Because the victim is a white male and the killers are black. Kinja staff are bloggers, not reporters. They need clicks. They know their audience. They are the antimatter of the Fox News matter. The truth lies somewhere between those 2 fascist propaganda outlets of shit.

Yes I know that. And I also know that legal statutes state jurors can be excused with cause for stating their belief of negative pre-trial publicity. And that is exactly what I am addressing,

You like sentences that start with “no”.

You have reached a conclusion based on zero evidence. Sitting in jail for years while a trial happens is not inconsequential. Though you may not have reached a final verdict, you have a strong bias that the cop needs to be tried based on no information.

Yes I do know that jail is a place people are held prior to conviction.

Please get out of jury duty if you get a notice to report.

The “lucky he’s white” comments are 100% guaranteed in every Kinja thread where a white person is arrested but not shot or beat. It’s the Kinja 2015 equivalent for “First” used by the guy that commented first in a thread but really has nothing to say.

You rhymed then said “cunt”. Just the rhyme or the word wasn’t enough. You needed both to try to make your point and still failed. I'd call you a cunt but instead I'll just say your projecting.

Cowherd’s an asshole for many things but he’s correct in (awkwardly) saying what he said about Dominican education.

You sir are either a liar, completely un-selfaware, or both, not a nerd.