99.9% chance it’ll be fine: boring and a bit cramped, but fine. Flying is inconvenient, but you shouldn’t be feeling too bad about it — all news organizations like to emphasize the worst news possible.
99.9% chance it’ll be fine: boring and a bit cramped, but fine. Flying is inconvenient, but you shouldn’t be feeling too bad about it — all news organizations like to emphasize the worst news possible.
Surely the F150 held its value better than a Mustang or a used BMW. Just sell it and buy something used that’s more fun, no?
BCI implants have been capable of moving a cursor on a screen with a human subject since 2004, and earlier in non-human primate subjects.
“I’m not gonna lie”
Also — some people literally do not perceive colors the same way as others — it can be both physiological or cultural. For example, a person’s brain might be better trained to see particular shades of green that make a painting seem much more deep than someone who doesn’t experience green the same way. It’s the same…
Cool info. Thanks
A Jalopnik-like website promotes child abuse and is run by Nazis!
Maybe it’s cheaper to end a brand this way vs. when GM cut Saturn / Pontiac? Chrysler is just a minivan from now on. Some day the minivan will become cool again after the ‘kids these days’ realize that everyones parents and grandparents all drive pickups and large SUVs.... maybe.
(re: Stellantis)
With all the Kia Boyz stuff still in insurance companies’ memories, I wonder how much it’ll cost to insure a $75-100K vehicle like this.
I’ve seen similar scare-mongering Facebook posts for a Chevy Volt battery quote from a dealer. It was obviously a “we don’t want your business quote” since I was able to google a full replacement for 1/3 the price.
1. Hydrogen comes from fossil fuels or electricity — from the same plants that would be charging cars, except they have to go through an extra *efficiency loss* of generating H2 gas and compressing it.
And how do you get that electricity — Nuclear power or building a surplus of solar? And then you go through the extra process of converting electricity into compressed hydrogen gas rather than putting the electricity directly in a battery.
The AR system can highlight constellations in the sky, giving you information about them in real time as the car drives you down the road.
Don’t forget the original guy was asking for advice in a Jalop “Please Give Some Advice” article. FutureDoc is not shitting on anyone — FD is giving the correct opinion. If FD is walking up to someone at a family reunion or in a Target parking lot and telling them they were idiots for buying a CUV, then he’s…
Nothing like a rugged-truck-looking-CUV with 35 or 40 sidewalls that can’t survive a highway pothole!
Is there really that much danger in being at a capped speed limit? There are some Hollywood-style scenarios of getting away from the Bad Guy, but those are really more fantasy than anything I expect. Also, there is just about zero chance of a car running at the speed limit (or any speed) being able to out-accelerate…
Once you find your favorite 3x SUV/CUV’s, bring a newborn baby seat and your 2-year-old’s larger car seat, a twin’s stroller, and a diaper/supply bag.
Why do you need cash reserves to absorb a stock price drop? Does Tesla have a bunch of debt leveraged against a big stock price?