
I know right? Just take over stuff and black up the place. POC's are the reason white people can't have nice things.

Me too ahaha!

Just don't suddenly go out on a black people collecting spree. That's like a guy hat hits on anything with a pulse. Just make friends with your co-workers. They're already nearby and you have a reason to talk to them.

You say that like girls is the only white show on television and the POC's are threatening to take it away.

Sarcasm only works when you're not trying to make a stupid fucking point. The article already addressed why that was a stupid point. Arfin should ask herself one simple question before she posts dumb tweets: "Why is this the case?"

Hire some black writers. It's really that simple.

Damn bitches can't even get engaged without mofos judging them. I wouldn't wish celebrity on my worst enemy.

I would never custom fit and sew a dress for $40. It is real work. It's cool that this a service that is available but $40 is not paying the bills here in America. Everyone wants something for nothing.

I'm glad black women aren't well represented on this show. I wish more black women would avoid reality shows. I'm tired of these producers making the most jacked up characters out of black contestants. Every time there's a competition the white girls get all butt hurt that there's still an uppity Negress around and

Ok this was from 2001. I'm enacting a relevancy disclaimer on this article.

More like exhaustion. You know how you let your head fall to the side curl your top lip and whine "I don't feel like it"? Whining and eyerolling no anger.

I won't turn the a/c on unless it's july and even then I won't. Too cheap and too much access to free ice and cold drinks.

Grid systems are great. I love them not just because I am from Chicago but because I am not naturally gifted at not getting lost. They makes sense because even if you don't have a map as long as you have a proper address you can get there.

*looks around all nervous-like* I would ask what the "real" names were too.

I sincerely hope Lohan gets her shit together and has a faboulus second half ala RDJ. Fallen women deserve a comeback too.

Ice cubes in bras...ice cubes. Just sayin...

It's OVER. Just let it go.

Girl they are all a mess.

So bear with me. We're on a grid system over here, so everything has a name or number or both. For instance you can exit the Dan Ryan (94) at 47th street, or keep going north and exit at 35th street but you can also exit at Roosevelt or 12th street because Roosevelt is 1200 south.

I knoooow sorry!