I think the first freeways were in Europe, then NY.
I think the first freeways were in Europe, then NY.
There you go. enjoy!
In Chicago we don't call them by there numbers, but their names i.e. The Dan Ryan, Edens, Eishenhower or Kennedy instead of 90/94 etc.
I wonder if it's just like one chair that keeps getting passed around for prom and dance pictures? Totally not true but the idea amuses me.
Oops I just said that. haha wish I saw your post first. :)
Editing, No need to be redundant.
They probably don't even know what instant coffee is.
I haven't said anything about his extreme lack of a behind until just now, so no. Besides jezebel regularly contradicts itself on the whole body snarking thing so I don't bother with giving a fuck.
Please stop acting like this was an article with substance. It's a picture with a location caption. It amazes me how people see that other people don't find the same boring dudes attractive and get butt hurt about it. To the left.
Was homegirl alive when these shows were on? just asking I'm genuinely curious.
I don't get the attractiveness. Tallness is good yes? But the thin lips and the beady way too close together eyes and massive forehead are not doing it for me.
Like I said girl I believe in not starting shit if you can't take it. AND I will go in on someone if they start with me. But there is something in me that will not call a fat person fat. I've never been fat and I've had fat people talk shit at me but I just will not call them fat. It's too obvious. I'd much rather…
I'm not even sure if I'm into body hair. It was just seeing it on screen like that was such a cheap thrill for me. Booty hair on a regular guy is probably not as hot.
I dunno #9 is pretty terrifying and not that obvious.
Faces from the milk carton: 90's edition.
I don't think anybody is offering their sympathies. I can just see where she's coming from. But also I agree with you on the "don't start none won't be none" philosophy.