
Go for the boss as early as you think you are powerful enough to, and then start over in Master Mode to see the content you missed. This would be more exciting than trying to 100% it on easy, but if that isn’t what you are into that is cool too!

Wait... is it Rufus or Sephiroth that does not have blood nor tears? I guess what Tifa says doesn’t make a lot of sense considering plot points that come later... but I just never thought Rufus had such a bad ass reputation.

I just listened to a podcast where they discussed this.

All of the white male network late night... oops redundancy...

“I think it’s inevitable that the gaming entertainment world will move in much the same way that the music and video entertainment worlds have already moved, in the sense that people have moved from an ownership model to an access model. And you’ll see that in gaming, just as you’ve seen it with Spotify and Netflix in

Please do not drop “Project” from the title.

What is on the carrying case?

Hey gang. So at the beginning of the summer I wrote, “This summer I will play some games, probably no new releases, and probably only ones I have played already.” And I was right! I could write a follow up post about it, but for now I will respond to myself in a response to you.

I have learned to never truly judge a self-published game based on how it is at release.

These “classic” systems have really reinvigorated my interest in emulation.

I started playing games a lot when I was two years old, so the game that really got me was Robbers of the Lost Tomb on C64. If I was leaving a dark room irl, I would picture a extremely low pixel mummy and snake chasing me. They never caught me though.

I was that age when the original Legend of Zelda came out. I wish I had a record of what I had said while playing it. It was probably a lot of “I Dieded.”

This may seem hyperbolic, but Twitter is the only source for news

It is entirely reasonable to assume that most of Twitch’s staff engaged in this behavior when they were teens.

Do a search for “White Power” in usernames and let me know what comes first, the bottom of the list or your hand getting too tired to keep scrolling.

I did what I call a Weak Link Run™, which is Beat Ganon without using any Spirit Orbs, or picking up any Heart Containers, on Master Mode. My strategy was get Ravali’s Gale and the Zora armor to make exploring more easy, manufacture as many ancient arrows as I could, and of course as many durians and bananas as

Well this explains the review I saw of the game, where someone mentioned being sniped in a room with no windows

You mean teenagers right :)

I don’t have anything to add, but maybe people should just play Marble Madness if they don’t want to play this game. MM is a great game.