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Hmmm wonder if my Lunar Silver Star Story Complete is worth anything. Box is beat up around the edges but otherwise intact.

So that process linked in the article was different than what I did. I actually had to go and download a specific file to get mine working again

I had the same thing happen to my One X and freaked the eff out. This was well before the Series X came out so I did some rather fevered googling and found out about the thumb drive fix.

Really wish they hadn't used bricking. Bricking means unable to be fixed whereas this can be. 

It was actually, thank you. It’s what made me stop playing so nice to know they aren't doing it seasonally anymore. Shame they are still doing it at all though.

They still throwing away story content at the end of each season?

Unfortunately it’s been like this for quite some time pretty much since a hard drive was added we’ve gotten games that are buggy because they can just patch it later.

As horrible as that thought process is it is one that is common in professions that are facing a reckoning dealing with sexual harassment.

I just sort of assumed it was supposed to be some type of alien language since the game seems to have a ton of nonhuman characters.

Ugh that forced Mobo bundle crap is pissing me off. I JUST built a brand new PC with a Ryzen 5600x and new mobi, but stuck with my Vega 64 because can't get ahold of a damn GPU. Now the few times I see them they are stuck to a Mobo I don't need...blearrrrrrrgh

If it makes you feel any better I had the exact same error message on a SeriesX.

I’ve enjoyed just about everything you have written Ash so will miss your voice here at Kotaku.

Its the stuff like this that everytime I get interested in F1 that turns me off of it again. It’s a race shit happens, he got penalized you don’t like the penalty, you appeal and see how that goes. It sucks dude crashed but he wasn't rammed he's ok and you still have a points lead and a whole half season left to keep

Yeah it was obvious they had fun despite some jankbut never said.....why.

Like run n gun can work in the travel areas but first time I went inside a building (morgue) the enemies weapons went from easily dodge able to a solid wall of machine gun fire. Died in about 2 seconds. 

“And No Code, the team that made 2019’s terrific Observation, is working on a full-fledged horror game”

I'll see your Elton John and raise you Ozzy

I was planning on getting a new car beginning of next year and had my eyes firmly set on a model 3 because I could fit the cost into my budget, but Tesla is starting to price itself out of my range. Ironic since Musk wanted to bring electric to the masses, he just forgot to say which masses he was talking about.....

Probably due to a majority of games on steam being PC games without controller support. So the touchpads will let play the games that are not suitable for controller. Probably uses the same internal settings as the old steam controller.

You mean the game he linked to in the third paragraph?