Random Poster

Favorite target around the ol interwebs is the game engine just being very poorly optimized. Which looking at file size i could definitely see where the impression comes from.

At the time I had my original XB1 I didn't think it was that bad but, I recently tried playing control at a friend's house and oh helllllll no. That said I weirdly miss my Kinect, mostly because my wife loved the voice commands.

Dear God yes. I just started playing again on my 1X, (ty GamePass for the Expansion as)and I forgot how damn long the loads are.

So I’m going to be ripped but I hated OoT and Mario 64. A lot of it had to do with the system as I could not (and still can’t) stand the muddiness of the graphics.

Its not limited to consoles, it happens with tech all the damn time. Think back to the first iphones, or latest video card, or hell even cars to a somewhat lesser extent (latest Corvette is a great example).

I hope so. I might finally buy one lol. I normally wait to get one of the two consoles at end of their generation. This gen it’s the PS4 (preferably a Pro) last gen it was the 360.

Wait you put these things up here and expect us to read them? I'm going to have to talk to my agent about this.....

It’s kind of funny seeing people who spent the last couple months or so slagging the Series X size suddenly scramble to justify the PS5 size (also damn are they both heavy).

Y’know I’ve never actually met anyone who used the PS2 vertically. Obviously my experience means diddly for the rest of the world, just something I had never really thought of until you posted it. Hell I completely forgot you could use it vertically.

As opposed to the time being wasted by the frivolous suits?

They are in the process of testing a feature that will allow you to sign into multiple devices at once. The only exception is if you are playing a game you can only do so on one device.

Was that the one with the "greaser" skateboarder and a surfing gorilla?

I never played the NES game but, I swear I saw 720 labeled as Skate or Die. I remember playing it and trying to find any differences between it and 720. Instead of using the bright colors of 720 the cabinet was mostly gray like asphalt and cracked and it had Skate or Die written on it in "extreme" font that was red

the Xbox Series S is reported to be $299. You know what’s also retailing for $299 right now? The Xbox One S”

Which is what MS actually cares about. Get in the ecosystem whether it's on console or PC. Console sales are nice but not necessarily the measuring stick they are using.

Or you could be like me and stuck with a card nobody wants, lol. Damn Vega 56. First time I went Red Team in a very long time and I got burned. Ah well. The card works well, and I got a bit more performance tweaking settings, but damn is it loud, and hot.

Can anyone tell me the best way to get back in to Warframe? I played for about 6 months or so and got my second suit a Rhino and maxxed it. Reason I am thinking of trying it again is because between ultimate perks and twitch prime I’ve got some prime suits that look cool as hell.

Wasteland 2 and 3 are also both available on Gamepass on XBOX and PC

I think MS would have completely stayed out of this fight if not for Apple banning UE4. That strays over and does affect a lot of developers, that’s just a simple fact. Which is why MS support is limited to THAT specific complaint and doesn’t address Epic’s lawsuit.

Correct. And you can get it for only a dollar for the first month. Full access to all games listed on it. No Xbox needed. Aside from the Indy game you can find some other games from major studios as well as all first party titles. Including Flight Simulator (as well as Gears Tactics which is a really good tactical