Hard agree.
Hard agree.
People sometimes forget just how much being a DVD player helped the PS2. Games were still mostly considered by gen public as kids things so having an "adult entertainment device" (and no I don't mean porn) built in helped sell it.
Man we spent so much time in my shop aboard the Enterprise during down time playing Power Stone and Ready 2 Rumble. Those 2 and NF2k were the go to for lots of yelling and laughing. The only other games to generate that much fun where GoldenEye and the WCW games.
That was what I was pointing out to the OP
That last paragraph of yours simply isn’t true. As we saw several companies remove their games from availability on Geforce Now. It didn’t matter if you owned it.
Im not saying that they don’t prey on poor POC. Through my own time in (and how I was recruited) what you got in general in the enlisted ranks was poor and southern.
Your first bullet point is very well said and my only correction forbullet point 2 is I would say they prey on poor people not just poor people of color. Armed forces as a whole are around 60% white with black and Latino both in the high teens.
I want max Payne
S I realise you can't link to the cleaner but do you (or anyone) have some suggestions
Yep same for me. I do and logged in about a month ago....never even left my ship because I had no clue what any of the shit in it was for. I have frames from twitch prime and GpassULT and I couldn’t even tell you what differences they have from my rhino or what the manyamy guns do. Don’t even remember the movement…
I played this a few years ago and tried recently to come back and well, so overwhelmed with not knowing anything I never even left my ship. I have frames from twitch giveaways (and now GAME PASS ULT) and I can't even remember how to move basically lol. I need a way to redo the tutorials.
That is way more fun than it should be.
Correct, was just pointing out that there’s a lot of people like this guy in the FGC but because they aren’t semi-famous they get away with way too much shit.
I was pointing out there are a lot of people like this guy in the FGC.
If the FGC and tournament hosts did that with all the assholes in it they would have to purge half the community at this point
I had no clue The Idiot in Chief even had a twitch channel, I can’t be the only one who just found out.
Damn that just wow. As someone who has struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts since my time in the military, part of me thinks I should understand her better but my issues aren’t from others attacking who I am as a person.
Ok this is obviously horrible, but what was the cause/source of the cyberbullying?
Well to be fair I paid $1 to play Gears Tactics sooooo let's call it semi even
You’re assuming it ever stops being a first wave. Not sure what it’s like around you but our governor relaxed rules only slightly...and yet stores are packed as if nothing is happening. Less than 25% of the people I've seen are wearing masks.