So you can use current nvme drives. However not all current vme drives are guaranteed to work. Sony states only ones that they say are P5 compatible will work.
So you can use current nvme drives. However not all current vme drives are guaranteed to work. Sony states only ones that they say are P5 compatible will work.
So think you are mostly spot on except for number 1. According to DF those speeds are the maximum it can reach for the CPU and GPU.
The constant screwing with pve fun by screwing it up with Pvp balance has always irked me.
I realize that may have come across as I hated the Shenmue games but I didn’t. I had the first for my Dreamcast (Skies of Arcadia remake/master please) and played the hell out of it abourd ship (was on the USS Enterprise at the time) and showed it off to all of the guys in my shop.
I wouldn’t say the Shenmue games were great. They were an awesome technical achievement and was ahead of its time for the open world/lived in feel,but aside from the fighting the game was not all that good. VA was bad, the frikkin forklift simulator was bad and the story was sort of an afterthought.
He's holdi g a gun. Wasn’t he like vehemently opposed to making guns in the comics?
Only problem with that is some of the squad banter only seems to come up during those long ass elevator rides
By going the seasonal route they just made it so I’m done with the game after I run the two new assignments. I have neither the time nor the desire to grind yet another game or miss out on story content that is tied to a season I may miss.
Which is all stuff you repeat over and over and over again... That’s his whole point.
Lost Odyssey is bw compatible on Xbone (actually just started a playthough again) can’t remember if Blue Dragon is or not. Never. Played Blue Dragon I remember reading something about it I didn't like but I can't remember what.
So uhhh what is a Jedis, is it related to the the Diabetis? Plural form is still Jedi my dude.
Even better when you realize that’s money he basically has guaranteed and he still gets to earn more money on top of that from the actual streaming itself(granted that’s a lot less than he was earning on streams on Twitch)
Testicles maybe?
Yep and you aren’t alone I’ve seen it mentioned almost nowhere about the potential of xCloud (hell even I kind of buried it in that long rambling rant lol) Everyone is focused on it playing Xbox One games and not thinking about how future proof it is.
Oddly enough the source of most of the glitches has nothing to do with resolution. The main problem appears to be hard drive access. So much so that two Xbox 1 X (or your system of choice,sused the Xb1X as my exampme as it apparently runs better on it than other platforms) systems can run completely differently.
The amount of people who are willfully acting like this isn’t exactly how PC’S work is funny.
So that’s obviously not Bruce or hulk in the reflection on caps shield so who is it (I’m assuming they are controlling hulk which is why it’s not banner or him in it)
I’m glad you like the game. I’m not sure how me saying I don’t agree with it and I won’t come back because of it warrants an expletive laced rant because I happen to not agree with it.
Yep not coming back to Destiny any time soon because of this kind of stuff.
The fact the the show is an adaptation of the books is a moot point. The game still saw an increasly that can be directly tied to the show.