He's long!
He's long!
I'll always remember the episode of NYPD Blue he was in - he played a man who came to the 15th squad room looking for help, but whose speech is essentially a stream of gibberish with only an occasional recognizable word, and as he gets more frustrated, more upset, language completely escapes him. It's a showy part,…
Best TV fights?
And directed by Chuck Jones and Maurice Noble.
I thought they nailed the tone and structure of the standard Lifetime Original Movie - ridiculous amounts of foreshadowing, heavy-handed symbolic shots, all-too-pretty locales, dialogue that just goes in circles (and plot points within the dialogue repeated so often that it feels like it's been underlined AND…
What I don't get is why the lone contestant bid $1600 when she knew that she was going to win. I don't know what the minimum bid is, but $1600 isn't it.
So it's the same experience as going to any Cheesecake Factory?
There were so many winners and so many categories, I think I won a People's Choice Award - not sure, though, since I also fell asleep a third of the way through the list.
Is that Max Von Sydow doing the voice over for the Mueslix commercial?
K-E-Double L-O-Double Acclaimed Actor Needs A New Boat (which doesn't spell Kellogg, but I wanted to type it out anyway)!
This looks like a job for Ben Murphy!
I think there was the implication that she was broken in the intervening years between TS2 and 3. I always had the impression that Bo Peep wasn't really supposed to be a toy, she was a porcelain figure that had belonged to Andy's sister, and Andy had added her character to his play.
DVD/Blu-ray: Even
VHS: 2:1
Beta: 3:1
RCA Videodisc: 4:1
3/4" U-Matic tape: 6:1
GAF View-Master disc: 7:1
Distributor brings it to houses via specially made Lite-Brite (on appointment basis only): 20-1
Theatrical release: 200 bajillion:1
Dis ain't ovah.
…something, something…
Mad'lyn Albright!