Random IT guy

So, essentially Google’s policy was — we are going to create programs to help people become productive employees regardless of sex or race. We also would appreciate people not creating a hostile environment for any of the workers — whether they be pro-diversity or anti-diversity as this could be seen as creating a

I agree with the sentiment that shit behavior like this is shit behavior, and should be dealt with the same way across the board, no matter what pathetic excuse the culprit offers up after being caught and outed. She fucked up, and should absolutely have to live with everything that comes her way because of it. I get

It was certainly written in a more sympathetic tone than it would have been had this actually been a 30-something man. I doubt his pain would have been acknowledged. And she wasn’t 13 forever.

Does anyone else find it odd that, in the middle of Hollywood imploding over sexual harassment/assault allegations, this story practically gives this woman a pass on being a manipulative pyscho? I mean... in many (most?) states, what she did would be considered crimes, no?

She’s a total shit head.

Yeah pretty weird to be like “Ah I was just a kid when I was emotionally manipulating people into sending nudes to me.”

She really doesn’t seem to address the abuse and coercing these women to send naked pictures. A lot of “I felt trapped” but not a lot of “I was really shitty to these people for no discernable reason.”. The deceit isn’t the worst of her actions, but it’s the only one she’s addressing.

It’s not your duty. It’s your compulsion.

Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

This has nothing to do with free speech. These assholes don’t have a right to a job at a company that doesn’t want to employee them because they’re now a liability. The right to employment is not enshrined in the constitution. They weren’t maced, tear gassed, or shot with rubber bullets at their protest. The

Nazis and supporters of the Southern Confederate States get no rights. You can’t be an American and a Nazi. You can’t memorialize the Confederate rebels in a positive way and still be an American. We fought wars over both these things.

Dude, you are not the judge and jury here.

Jesus...what a fair, balance and hopeful response. The fuck out of here. This is the internet.

I spent some time as a prosecutor. Whether people believe it or not, many times people convicted of a crime really do take a long look at themselves and make a turn for the better. Now, false revelation certainly also occurs. But as time goes on and I have further distance from that job, I think the better approach

Yeah. There absolutely needs to be consequences for his actions. What he did was shitty and awful and wrong. And the people he harassed are under literally zero obligation to help him atone. But if he’s learned something about himself that he can salvage from this after he serves some time or suffers that consequence,

No sympathy for this guy, but it’s interesting that his remarks as quoted above show at least a hint of self-awareness. Let’s hope he resolves to be a better person, though I won’t exactly be holding my breath on that one.

I feel like you could have boiled this whole article down to:

Not inappropriate in a sexual way, inappropriate in a “too informal” way. Like you don’t see men in shorts in formal business environments, not even tailored shorts in slack material. Men don’t wear buttondown tank tops, or sandals in conservative business environments. As a general rule of thumb in Western culture

Maybe I’m turning into an old, but I tend to agree that attys shouldn’t wear sleeveless dresses or open-toed shoes in court. You have to wear a jacket regardless of gender.

I appear in court for a non-profit at least once a month. I wear sleeves and closed toe shoes. It’s just what’s considered appropriate for the environment (and part of our training). Actually I usually wear black leggings, a linen tunic and ballet flats so it’s not like I’m all suited up and wearing panty hose — it’s