And the latest is Dawn Wells
And the latest is Dawn Wells
Hey, no slideshow.
What the fuck is this slideshow shit?!
To quote The Flash’s Captain Cold
Marvel: Endgame is the most epic crossover ever
Titans/Riverdale crossover confirmed
First ep isn’t showing up for me. Anyone else having this issue?
Is Threepio merging with the Falcon?
I tried to get into the reboot and got as far as the end of the first half of the first season before realizing I just wasn’t enjoying it like I did the original.
Damnit, who’s cutting onions?
I may be misremembering my Star Trek lore but wouldn’t Riker take Troi’s last name?
Capaldi is the new Lex?
I got chills from that, anyone else?
Sword of Truth has the evil chicken
Blood and ashes, I like this cast.
Was anyone asking for a Riverdale spinoff that wasn’t Sabrina?
Lego Movie was an unexpected success. I don’t see that happening with Playmobil: The Movie
I was not expecting 7 0f 9
Why the hell am I not watching this?
I haven’t read the Buffy or Angel series but didn’t Sunnydale become a giant hole in Buffy’s series finale?